good explanation?

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Act of Jealousy.

Kol brushed his lips against the shell of Jeremy's ear, his body pressed against his. "I'll be at the bar, have fun with the interrogation." Kol patted Jeremy on the back and headed off towards the bar.

Jeremy frowned and trudged towards Elena, Stefan, Caroline, Bonnie and Matt. He couldn't help but recall they've all been with one of the Originals, except Bonnie. Bonnie pushed a chair out and he plopped down on it. He let out a sigh and was ready to hear whatever they had to say.

"Before you ask questions, Kol did save my life." He didn't bother looking towards the bar at his 'savior'.

"Yeah, we know," Caroline began, her intense eyes bore into his. "Matt saw Kol killing newborn vampires, he also seen you on the ground, bleeding on the pavement. How could you seriously go with him?" She asked, squinting her eyes.

"He saved me, those vampires smelled Vanessa's blood and one attacked me. I didn't even have any of my weapons at the time, he killed them in self-defense. Then he healed me," Jeremy explained.

"Wait," Elena began, she glanced at Kol who was happily drinking at the bar, her gaze returned to Jeremy. "Who's Vanessa and why was she bleeding?"

"Vanessa's a new girl in town, no family and maybe two-three friends. She's just passing through, at least that's what she told me before she left with Jeremy," Matt explained, arms crossed and looking disappointed.

Jeremy swallowed nervously, "Vanessa.. was flirting with me and when I left The Grill with her, he killed her out of jealousy, however, her blood became a large beacon for newborn vampires." He shrugged, not able to look at Elena's disgusted expression.

"He.. was jealous?" Bonnie interjected, her brow raised and a smile rising on her lips. "I always figured he turned his emotions off. When did he get an interest in you?" She asked, more interested and maybe a bit more enthusiastic than the rest sitting at the table.

"Bonnie," Stefan snapped her out of whatever reverie she was having of Jeremy and Kol. "Focus." He turned his attention back at Jeremy, "I'd like to know that too." Elena and Caroline both rolled their eyes.

Jeremy sighed, "I don't know exactly when he became interested. We met in Denver, but he was only a spy for Klaus then he tried killing me to get to Elena, when everything cooled down, we both died." He glanced at Bonnie who turned her gaze away from him. "Bonnie became the anchor and we were able to pass through her at the same time and since then, he never left my side."

"So you don't know the exact moment he began to like you?" Elena asked him, more forceful.

"Maybe I always liked him," Kol called from the bar, he raised his glass towards them and turned back to the bartender.

"Damon," Stefan suddenly called out, the older vampire sauntered inside, he waved his hand and tilted his head towards the bar. He sat two seats away from Kol and ordered his usual, when he turned his gaze to Kol who wasn't looking at him, his lips were touching the edge of the glass and was slowly drinking his Whiskey.

"Haven't seen you since you ran out after your damsel-in-distress," Damon commented. "I see you got exactly what you wanted."

Kol glanced at the older Salvatore, he held nothing but contempt for him. "Are you Elena's back up?" He asked, placing his empty glass down.

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