Part 18

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We finished taking the tour and let me tell you, I'm terrified now. The tour guide left so now it's just us.

"Ok so does anyone else feel like shiting their pants." Corey asked

"Yeah, its has a very dark history." Elton said

Evan started recording again to do part two of the video which is the investigation part.

"Whats up guys, welcome back as all you might know we are in the West Virginia Penitentiary, we just got with the tour which took about 2 hours." Elton said

"We learned a lot with the history and the paranormal which was both crazy." Corey said

"So I think we should have fun again and play another game of hide and clap." Elton said in a weird accent

"What is with that accent?" Corbin asked

"I don't want to loose and get locked in the basement." Corey said

"Dude their isn't any basement, there's the bat cave." Corbin said

"Oh so Robin will be in there will me." Corey said

"Just find someone then you won't have to." I said

We all did nose goes and Elton had to go first.

"30 seconds to hide." Evan said

I went to a cell and stand in the entrance, Brandon climbed on the showes, and Corey standin in the middle of the room. Corbin started climb on the windowsill.

"Who's climbing on the windowsill?" Elton asked

Corbon groaned then jumped down and stand near Corey. 30 seconds was up and Elton started to find us. Corey started dancing so Elton found him first.

"Why do I feel like theirs someone else by Corey? Can I get my first clap?" Elton asked

I didn't clap, neither did Corbin or Brandon.

"You guys are cheaters." Elton said

He kepted moving his hand closer to me so I backed away, but Elton got me. So enough he got Corbin but still didn't get Brandon until the time was up and he saw where he was.
We decided to go to the Sugar Shack because one its was the most requested and two there was a lot of terrible things that happened and no one still knows why.

"Ok so lets just sit in a circle and turn on the spirit box." Elton said

We all sat in a circle and waited for a bit.

"Are you a prisoner here?" Corey asked

We waited for a answer but nothing didn't come through after about 30 minutes we decided to move some place else.

"Lets go to Bat Cave." I said

"Yeah why not, that's where the most stuff happened." Elton said

We went to the Bat Cave and told the viewers some stuff about it, Elton went to set up the rampod.

"Holy shit, I might of broke it." Elton said

"Break what?" I asked

"I saw a shadow and I bent the antenna." Elton said

"We'll fix it later, lets just use the EMF reader." Evan said

Brandon got out the EMF reader and walked around, when we got the R.D's bathroom it started going off like crazy.

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