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He didn't have many friends
But he had many neighbors
Not that he want intermingle
but because he didn't bother

He lived in Florida
It was gorgeous and sunny
He liked to visit the parks
to take some photography

He fed the park animals 
sometimes read the paper
But now he spends days inside
because it's cold and windy

He sat in his recliner
watching the nature channel
it really relaxed him
because he loved animals

The one they struck his eyes
made him suddenly feel alone
it reminded him of his once love
that gave him a feel of a happy home

He turns off the tv
He softly begins to sob
he rose up to get to his bed
but paused because he heard
a knock....

       He took off his big rimmed glasses briefly to wipe his eyes of fallen tears so no one would see him at a weaken state. After opening the front door to his dismay there was no one there. He scratched his face in confusion; he was hearing things. He closes the door then locks it and suddenly hears a slight tapping at his backdoor. So he walks over and notices it's all fogged up thus he can't see anything. He slides open the door and only sees his backyard and the rain that has accumulated. The trees were dripping making a pitter, patter sounds. 

      Although he really loved the beauty of nature the rain made his solemn and weak. So he decided to shut the door quickly but he insists he hears another noise; it was a buzzing sound. He look all around and saw nothing then he heard it again and looks toward the wet ground. And what he saw was the the most beautiful thing of nature he'd ever seen. It was a terribly injured, black-chinned hummingbird and it seemed to have run into the glass door on accident.

       It lied on its side with its beak bent at the end. He didn't know what he should do but since it such a harmless bird he thought he'd at least see if it was still alive. So he gradually picked it up. And the wings twitch a little so he was relieved it was still okay but he wanted it be able to fly again. He slid the door shut as good as he could with one hand and continued inside the house.

       He ponders where he'll lay it for it to recuperate and rest, and then he remembers an empty birdcage in... his wife's sewing room. He hasn't been up there since she passed but in order to save the bird's life he had to go. After retrieving the small and dusty birdcage he places a cloth inside, when opening the gate. The bird fit nicely inside and seemed to be breathing just fine. He felt it was bedtime for the both of them so he  settles in the recliner cozying up with his blanket.

          Few days later...

        Days after he nurses the bird back to normal for a few days, and had settled for a quick nap. After napping he woke up to a sudden humming noise and bounces up quickly. He yawns and wipes his eyes and notices the bird flying vastly around his home. He is astonished at the recovery of the once poor thing. Its wings were flapping so fast his eyes darted all acorss the room. But when the bird saw him it suddenly stops and he holds out his hand. It quickly goes landing in his palm, just looking up at him so peacefully. He pet the bird on its head gently and strokes its back and wings.

     It makes his heart flutter because he once thought he he'd never love anyone or anything again but this bird has filled that spot and he didn't want to let it go. He then scraches under its chin and then the bird suddenly inches upward and flies up to his cheek, makiing the man cup his hand for the bird to stay held there. It does an unforgettable gesture, by nuzzling it's head against the man's cheek. And that makes a sudden tear stroll down his because of the feeling of love and care. The bird does another unforgettable thing by collecting the tear as opposed to nectar knowing she'll forever live off his energy and love.

      He knew he couldn't keep her in his home forever because it was creature of the wild but the time they shared will last a lifetime. So without any further or do he opens the front door and lets his beautiful, flying friend out back into the world. Whatever the tragedy or reason these two met was clearly meant to be. And whoever said that two breathing creatures had to be lovers and not friends surely hadn't ever had a friendship like this with a lasting love no matter the distance.




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