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Everyone was still settling down in Clint's house; the late hours of the afternoon approaching swiftly. Steve and Tony were chopping wood logs in the small fenced off area that separated the house from the grand field Clint had. Bruce was showering upstairs whilst Natasha waited for her turn in there.

"You got it?" Clint asked his son as he watched over him with the tape measure. Riley was on the same porch, playing with Lila (Clint's daughter) so she wasn't playing on her own. They both sat, with their legs crossed, on the wooden flooring.

"What's the old married couple saying now?" Riley called out to Clint, asking for him for an update on Steve and Tony.

"You know I won't be able to hear them from here." He told them, taking his eyes off the task he was doing to look up at the two men. "But they look angry."

Riley scoffed, a smile on their face. "When don't they look angry?" Clint laughed, sitting down on one of the chairs behind him.

"Sweetheart, come help me here." Clint called out to his daughter, her head moving up from her toys that she was playing with to face her dad. She quickly got up from where she was sitting to run over to her dad. She sat on the white rocking chair that next to the one Clint was sitting on, baluster laying on the armrests.

Walking out of the house, Laura made her way down to the pile of chopped wood and the two Avengers arguing with each other. Riley could hear the distance apology from Laura as they stood up to go back inside, their thirst becoming too much to ignore. The multitude of children's toys in their path to the kitchen sink.

As Riley slowly took sips of their water, they heard footsteps enter the room. Turning to see Tony enter the room first, only to be followed by Nick Fury himself, their expression turned from calm to one of confusion.

"Didn't expect to see you here, Loftin. Thought you just did Tony's chores." Nick Fury said to them.

"Didn't really expect to see you either." Riley replied. "And, no, I don't just do Tony's chores."

"Yeah, they get us food too." Tony jokingly added, gaining a playful eye roll from the person in question.

"This is why I'm looking for a new job." Riley pointed their finger at Tony, a smile on their lips. Playing along, Tony put his hand over his heart, his face pulling a look to make it seem like he was offended.

"I'll go get Bruce and Natasha." Clint stated, heading to the stairs. Nick nodded, making himself comfortable as he waited.

"Where's Thor?" Nick asked, breaking the silence.

"Said he needed answers to what he saw in his dream." Riley explained, still at the sink.

"The one the Maximoff twin gave him?"

"If that's her name, then yes." And, on queue, the three remanding Avengers in the house came walking down the stairs. They found a place to stand in the room so they could hear what Fury had to say.

"So," Steve began, "what's it you need to us?"


"Ultron took you folks out of play to buy himself time." Fury said. It had been a little while since everyone first sat down in the kitchen, the sky now a deep shade of royal blue, the multitude of stars in the sky contrasting against it. "My contacts all say he's building something."

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