Part 31. Just Perfect

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"HE DIDN'T COME AFTER YOU?" DINAH ASKED AS she sat on her bed dressed in a silk pajama set holding her hotel pillow in her lap, I just nodded as I leaned against my headboard with my knees up looking through my words search, she closed her eyes and shook her head "I'm sorry, Lil. I thought for sure he would be the one for you. Especially how he acted around you."

I closed my eyes for a minute, "That's what's wrong, Dini. I was falling in love when it was in reality just a summer fling. There is no way we could be a couple because of the distance we would have to go to be together, he wants to be a rockstar and I want to be a teacher for little kids," I shrugged as I turned my head and looked at her "That's the game called life, it always has a trick up its sleeve."

Life was a funny thing, it always has been. Sometimes it can be cruel and sometimes it can be nice, but in the end, usually, everything works out. In this case, I wasn't so sure though.

Dinah sighed as she flopped onto her back and looked at the ceiling, "He didn't say he was falling for you? Anything at all?" she asked, her voice sounding confused.

I shook my head no "He just stood there silent. I swear, if guys weren't so confusing things might be nice" I said, throwing my word search to the ground and putting my legs under the covers.

Dinah just hummed and put her pillow behind her head, I laid on my side and turned out the lamp between our beds making the room go dark.

Did he say anything at all? Not at that moment. Sure, he was asking me to tell him I had no feelings for him, but he never said he shared the same feelings as I did. Was it so hard to tell someone that you have no feeling when you do for them? Yes, it was. It was very hard. But I don't think he ever told me anything of the sort, other than saying he was crazy about me.

Oh, my gosh.

I shot up in bed as I played our conversation through my mind of just a day ago. He had told me he was crazy about me then, why didn't he say it now? The way he held me, the way he looked at me, the things he would say as he held me.

The one thing I learned on vacation? Men are complicated as hell.

"He feels the same way. I was just too stupid to see it."

Dinah looked over from her bed and raised an eyebrow, "What are you talking about, Lily?" She asked in a sleepy voice, I looked over at her with a hand to my head.

"The way he looks at me, looked at me just yesterday just as I left the room. He was showing me how he felt, he didn't have to say anything," I rolled my eyes as I looked at her "I'm so stupid," I said as I walked passed her bed to the door,

"Wait!" She yelled, I turned and saw her pointing to the dresser "Room key. I am not getting up from this bed just to let your ass in." I rolled my eyes and grabbed the key before running out the door barefoot in my pajamas.

He didn't want me to leave. I didn't want to leave. We should have caught the other signals, but apparently, we were both offline at that moment ... did I just relate us to cellular phones? I am such a damn geek.

I ran down the hallway and up to Sawyer's hotel door; I knocked on it three times waiting for an answer. I took a breath and hesitated, "Sawyer? It's Lily" I called out.

A door opened and closed down the hall, I noticed the woman with the poodle and resisted the temptation to roll my eyes as she walked by me; she looked me over and stopped walking accidentally jerking the dog with the leash.

"He's gone, sweetie."

My eyes looked at her in confusion, "What?" I questioned her as I crossed my arms.

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