Chapter 1

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It was a dry summer, I was about 14 winters and so was my twin Ashii. Our younger sister Doli was about 10 summers. We were out getting our chores done early so we could have the rest of the day to play. Mother was working on the morning meal, while Father was at the meeting with our chief. There were some problems with the crops and our people were worried. We hadn't had rain in a month going on two. If the crops weren't irrigated, we wouldn't have enough food for the winter. But we did live not far from a river. It was my job to collect our water for the day's meals and for drinking and other things. I had gotten up early with Father and headed to the river after seeing father off. Mother was also up and was already working on her daily tasks. Ashii was out hunting with the other braves, Doli was dusting the bear rugs for Mother. I went down to the stream where I saw other girls my age gathering water for their families. They acknowledged my presence but didn't try to make conversation. Which was fine with me, I didn't have time for friends. Mother was already grooming me to be a wife. As I gathered the water, I felt someone staring at me. I looked around and caught sight of some caucasion colored soldiers standing a little was away from me. They shoved each other and smirked and looked at me. I was frightened, I turned to start a conversation with one of the other girls but they were all gone. I was alone, and didn't have my quiver and bow for protection. I did however see a broken oar from an old canoe. I picked it up, the soldiers start to walk over to talk to me. "Hey, you redskin." One of the called to me. I looked at him with a cold stare. "Can I have a sip of water from your bucket?" The soldier asked, I didn't respond. One of the soldiers slapped me. "Answer him, you little wretch!" The one who slapped growled. I refused, they grabbed my arms. I tried wriggle free, I managed to free myself and smacked a soldier with the oar in the nether regions. He doubled over in pain. I hit another one  in the head, the last soldier grabbed me, knocking the stick from my hands. He started to try and kiss me when a shot rang out. The soldier jumped loosening his grip.We both turned to see a young  caucasion girl with red hair and hazel colored eyes and a torn gingham dress holding a pistol. She had shot the tree beside the soldier, and cocked the gun again, this time aiming for the soldier. While he was distracted, I freed myself of him and grabbed his arm flipping him over my head. He landed on his back with a sickening thwack. The young girl put the safety on the gun and placed back in the holster on her hip. She looked at me and walked over. She took out a notepad and pen and wrote. "Are you Alright?" I had been taught to read by a missionary that came through our village and understood what she was asking. "Yes,I am alright." I replied."My name is Sahyko Dancingbrooke. What is yours?" I asked her. "Nice to meet you Sahyko, I am Cerise woods. I'm on the run from my uncle and was just passin through." She wrote and showed me. I nodded in understanding. "A pleasure to meet you too Cerise. Thank-you for your aid against these soldiers." I said gratefully. She smiled, we tied up the soldiers and were about to part when I decided to ask her to come have breakfast with my family. "Cerise, how would you like to have a good breakfast? Mother's cooking is great, and you look like you could use some nourishment before heading on the road again." I asked, Cerise nodded vigorously. I smiled and we started back with two full buckets of water and a new friend found.

                                                                  end of chapter 1

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