Prolouge, an eventful uneventful day

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{y/ns POV}

"Woo! Finally I'm home!" I say as I drop my book bag on the ground and plopped onto my bed barely laying on it as maki jumps onto my bed to Lay on my chest. "Ahh, finally a break from shitty school." I say while petting maki. After a while of holding myself up from falling to the ground, i pick up maki and lay on the ground right next to my beanbag, 'why don't I just sit on the beanbag?' I ask myself "nah, it's too comfy on the ground." I say out loud while turning to lay on my back.
After a while of laying there on the ground with a sleeping maki on my stomach as I pet her. "Ahh, I love this uneventful day, nothing can mess this up!" I say to myself as I close my eyes
Bad idea
As I was relaxing for the last time I suddenly felt like I was falling?
I look down to see some portal or something right under me
"FUCK!" I yell terrified of whatever the fuck is happening, and for the last time I hug onto maki tightly to try and save her as we fall to what seems to be certain death.
And as we got closer and closer to the ground I cry hugging onto maki "goodbye world.." I say right before I hit the ground. But the ground never came
"Ah! Hello there sky person!"
[end of prologue]

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