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The nations woke up that morning, much more well rested than they had been for the past three days.

They were a lot calmer as they filtered out of their rooms and headed to go eat breakfast before they went back to do what they were brought here to do in the first place.

"Is everyone ready to start reading this thing again?" Spain asks.

All of the nations nod.

Before they open the book, they notice a note on the table.

"Nations, since we know it was hard watching your family die once again, these first entries will only be more lighthearted ones."

All the nations sigh in relief.

"I guess I can start first." Wy says, taking the book.

"This one is about America."

Since Alfred has the body of a 19 year old, every couple of years he'll attend high school or college for a semester. He attends to make sure that he's keeping his knowledge up and because heaves to be in a place where it's ok for him to act like the teenager he is for once.

P.S. He loves to troll the World History courses.

Several nations' eyes widened.

"You go to college every few years?" Scotland asks.

"Yeah, I like to be able to keep up with things. Only problem is my school system, especially public high schools, can be shit." America says, muttering that last sentence.

"Really? Our people seem think they're pretty good." South Korea comments.

"Colleges are fine, for the most part. Grade schools are more iffy." America says.

"All right, let's continue. Keep going Wy." Australia says.

"Alright. This is Norway's."

Iceland left his puffin at home today... the thing just keeps staring at me. I don't know what to do with it... help.

The nations burst out laughing at the entry.

"You didn't know what to do with Mr. Puffin?" Sealand laughs.

"You know, you could've just called me, or fed him." Iceland smirks.

"Yeesh Nor, you couldn't even figure out what to do with a puffin?!" Denmark laughs.

"That's enough." Sweden mumbles, putting a hand of Denmark's shoulder.

"Alright then, this next one is Ireland's." Wy continues.

My people are starving. We are barely able to eat and the British government won't help.
However, there has been a tribe in America that has been sending us money to help. It's the Choctaw nation. I hope we can repay their kindness someday.

"Wait, what?" England asks, pulling him out of the self loathing due to his county's part in the famine.

"Oh yeah, my tribe helped out the Irish during that famine. We had just recently gone through the Trail of Tears due to the U.S. government, so we decided to help them out." Choctaw explains.

"Oh hey, there's another entry connected to the last one. This is Navajo's." Wy says.

The Irish have repaid the kindness given to them during the famine. They have given us money to help my nation during this pandemic. Natives and Irish really do have a kinship.

"Ve~ talk about coming in clutch. You all really do have each others' backs." Veneziano smiles.

"Clearly. I wouldn't have expected a native tribe to help out a European country, and then that European country to return the favor." Germany states.

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