The Start

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Whether we like it or not, we have to face it. We have to face that the many things we believe to be real and true, are not. Sometimes, I think to myself about the laws of the universe and the odds of me being alive. Simply put, the possibilities of the world are extensive and could lead us anywhere. Especially in our society, where we are being watched at all times.

I don't know if anybody else sees things the way I do, we are all too scared to defy orders and question our commanders. From the time we are born till the time we die, we do as we are told and we don't question any of it. No one has ever done it, seems like no one will ever do it. The way society is now, it works. We are all used to it, anything other than what we know will terrify us.

The houses keep us in order and maintain the peace, no one has ever interjected on how society works. Most of us see no point in interjecting, what good will it do? We have never known chaos, we don't plan on ever knowing it. We like order and balance, we know nothing outside of it. Our whole lives were planned for us and this rate, the general is all-powerful and all-knowing.

In accordance with the general's decision, we are all placed into various homes based on our own unique abilities and attributes. There are six houses in Hiraeth, all of which play their role in how our society is run. These five houses are: Demeter, Factorem, Sanitas, Bellator, Magister, and Senatus.

Demeter, the house in which farmers are in. They produce and create food for the society, they live in the rural parts of Hiraeth. The grass there is green and the air is crisp with the sound of water echoing into your brain, you feel at peace there. The constituents that are divided into this house are a combination of peaceful, harmonious, and spiritual people. This house embodies the source of our lives, they do the work for the people. They remain as the most civilized of all the houses, a house that has kept its peace for years with the government.

The people who make and engineer different materials are a part of Factorem. They understand mathematics and develop economical solutions in Hiraeth but also, some of them are makers of art. This house is the most diverse, with all sorts of people being factored in. From painters and singers to manufacturers and scientists. They live and breathe their work, they do as they are told by the government and never question their work. But, I would say these are the most unhappy of people. For them, it's a constant cycle of work and sleep. They have no freedom but, these people were designed and made for this house.

For people who care for health, soundness of mind, and salvation Sanitas is where they are placed. Often more stressed than the average Hiraeth citizen, they care deeply for the good and well-being of society. Many people would call them the center of society, without them we would be nothing. They care for the elderly, create solutions to problems people have, and try to keep the sanity alive in Hiraeth. Their house is the most wanted of all, many people believe them to live the easiest of lives. The house of Sanitas is carefully conducted, with many people coming in and out everyday.

Bellator, which includes people of strong will and bravery. The people of this house are not to be meddled with, they continue their work day in day out. Bellator's are everywhere, guarding Hiraeth and knowing the deepest of secrets. They hear and see everything that goes on Hiraeth, no one gets past their watch. They do as they please, the government entrusts them with the killing and survival of society. To be a part of this house, you must embody physical fitness, devotion to the community, critical thinking, and a strong mental agility. Many say that they are the key to breaking and causing chaos in Hiraeth, they control the society.

The instructors, the teachers, and the trainers are a part of Magister. They teach all of Hiraeth with their worldly knowledge, they are known to be the smartest of all. Magister's teach each house about their own unique house, they watch and listen to each child. They decide who goes where based on their own unique performances in the classroom. They put each child through a series of tests, each must master all of them but one will rank the highest for the children. But on the other hand, they are not as controlling as they may seem. With the interpersonal skills they have, they represent compassion. Seeing as though they have met and interacted with everyone in Hiraeth, they contain the most empathy and sympathy.

Finally, the sixth house and the most powerful house, Senatus. They govern and rule Hiraeth, they make the laws and make sure citizens do as they are told. Only three citizens a year are chosen for this house, making this house the most tough to get into. But, the three people are usually already known before the ceremony, making it not too much of a surprise when they are picked for Senatus.The people of this house must encompass trustworthiness, a moral compass, analytical skills, logic, and an understanding of society. Though, they are the most rigid in terms of what they say, what they do, and who they associate themselves with. Many people watch what the people of Senatus do, to try and get an inside scoop on what is really going on in Hiraeth.

Just like everyone else who turns 18 this year, I, Willow Marcella, who turns 18 on the 10th of December, will be receiving my house on January 1st. My coronation will be in front of all of Hiraeth, my parents, grandparents, and friends will all be there. Every year, this is the event of the season; the determining factor for all of our lives. The ceremony paves the way for our future and how we live for the rest of our lives, it's a sought out moment.

My Magister, Professor Dunley, tells me that he sees great potential in me. He's a man I look up to, he's taught me everything I know and I am forever grateful for it. On the weekdays I am with him all day but, on the weekends he is often nowhere to be found. I usually see other Magisters but, never Professor Dunley; I always wonder where he is or what he's doing.

As I rumble out of my thoughts, Asia bumps into me with a sweet smile on her face. "It's a beautiful day out, right? The flowers seem to be blooming this time of the year, thank the general for creating Demetor!" I smile back at her and nod my head while I look at my brother playing in the park. I watch over him often, mother and father work far too hard and long. It's usually just us at home, they are both Bellators. They work guarding and maintaining what's going on Hiraeth, I appreciate them deeply but sometimes I wish they didn't work so much. Feels like I hardly know them, their whole lives have been centered around work.

I look to my left and see Rasmus walking towards the library, he catches my eye every-so-often. I've never had a full conversation with him, we have different Magister's. Though I do see him roaming off around school, his Magister seems to never pay attention to him. His Magister acts as if Rasmus has nothing else to learn, which would explain why he's going to the library on the weekend. To add, he's the talk of the town, he seems to always have a mind of his own separate from society; which is rare. By any means, he also will be at the ceremony on January 1st, many people say he'll be a part of Factorem. But, I'm not sure if I believe that.

The way our society works is different from those outside of Hiraeth, I've heard whispers and rumors of what's outside. Only Senatus' are allowed out of the perimeters, on rare occasions. They never really tell us what's out there, it's pretty much a mystery. A mystery that has been going on for decades, no one ever questions life outside of Hiraeth. But I do think to myself, does every society work like ours?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2021 ⏰

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