Draco's Boggart

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The day after the boggart incident in Professor Lupin's class, Draco was wary of going into class. He knew that he would have to face his boggart today, and he was frightened of what it would be.
He hesitantly stepped up to the front of the line, getting in position to fight whatever showed up. Suddenly, he heard a low, cruel, controlling voice.
"Now, now, Draco. Why do you look so afraid?" his father asked, moving close.
"Could it possibly be because of me?" he questioned coyly, raising his cane to hit Draco. Draco was stuttering, trying to get a hold of himself. Just before the cane came down, Remus jumped in front of him.
"Ridikkulus!" he yelled. Turning to the class, he just barely saw Draco run out of the room.
"Class dismissed," he said distractedly. He ran out of the room, but Draco was far out of sight. He figured that he would probably seek solace in Snape or his common room. He checked the dungeon first, but he wasn't there. Snape was frightened as well, though he didn't show it. Snape also dismissed his class, and went running to follow Lupin in the quest for his godson.
After not finding him in the common room either, both were frantic. Remus had explained the situation to Snape, and he was furious. Snape stopped short, and turned around to face Remus, the blood draining from his face.
"What?" Remus questioned.
"I remember speaking to Draco a while ago. He told me that he sometimes wished that he could go to the Astronomy Tower and have it all be over," he said, gradually getting quieter as he said it.
Not even taking time to think, Remus ran. He ran as fast as he could, bounding up steps and making sharp turns. He got to the Astronomy Tower and saw draco sitting on the ground, sobbing. Draco slowly got up, and looked towards the opening.
"No!" Remus cried out. Startled, Draco turned, wand drawn. He saw his professor, terrified, and broke down. He sank to the floor sobbing. Remus walked over to him and cradled the boy, his heart breaking when he flinched.
"Shhh. It's okay, Draco. It'll be okay," he whispered to the small boy. Draco buried himself into Remus's chest and begged him not to be angry. Remus said nothing, but held him until he stopped crying.
Bringing Draco up to look at him, he said, "Draco, I am so sorry. I promise that you will never have to deal with your father again."
Snape, having finally broken out of his shock, came into the tower. Draco reached out to him, and Remus stood, still holding him, and gave him to the potions professor. After Snape gave him a slight smile and a nod, Remus left the room, allowing the two to have some time. He knew that Draco would be okay. Eventually.

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