Rolled leather dog collar tips

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Six Things Most People Overlook When Buying A Roller Leather Dog Collar

The wide plethora of dog collars in commerce can be a little twisting sometimes, especially if you have no clue what makes the difference between one model and another. If this venture has gotten you confused, perhaps you should sit down, take your time and do your homework. At a first glance, it looks like the actual design and trends dictate the market tendencies. While you can, indeed, find all kinds of encrusted and enhanced collars that only add to their looks, there are plenty of other factors to take in consideration. The dog's necessities are among the most important ones.

Materials are some of the first things to think about and just like in the "human world", leather seems to be one of the dominant ones. It is durable, good looking, stylish and efficient. Your dog will also love it because it feels a lot more comfortable. Obviously, it depends on the breed. But as a general rule, other materials keep rubbing more aggressively than leather, which tends to slip instead. However, the material is not the only relevant factor. You have to pay attention to the construction and style as well. This is when the rolled leather dog collar kicks in. From this point on, your dog's needs become your most important debates

#1 Check the stitching

Buying rolled leather collars in real life is clearly a lot less risky than doing it online, even if you normally order from a reputable online store. Seeing the collar in person, holding and analyzing it in small details will work a very long way. The stitching is one of the most relevant things to keep an eye on. It must be perfectly even. It must be perfectly straight or at least it should follow a pattern.

It looks like this aspect is less relevant in a dog collar, especially if the stitching is on the inside. However, a frayed or torn stitching will most likely ruin the entire collar in no time. It depends on how active the dog is. This element dictates the durability resistance against your dog's fur. If the dog has thick and stubborn hair, it will rush the degradation, so better pay attention to quality.

#2 Inspect the buckle

There are two types of buckles you will find in rolled leather collars. First, you got the stamped version. It feels and looks thin. Practically, it looks like a simple piece of metal. It is easy to recognize because its edges are bent under the actual piece. Obviously, such a construction is fairly simple to break by active dogs. If the edges are very thin, you also expose your dog to a lot of dangers, since they scratch it and can even pierce its skin.

On the other hand, cast buckles are more durable and appropriate. They are strong and come from a thick piece of metal. Breaking a cast buckle is quite complicated, while the thick profile makes it very durable against rust. If you keep the dog indoors, rust would not be a problem anyway, yet collars for outdoor dogs must be properly selected to prevent all kinds of issues. You might want to consider nautical dog collars as well.

The metal is quite relevant too. Cast buckles are usually made of better metals. Nickel is a good choice. It is not expensive, but it does not rust either. It can handle corrosion in a pretty efficient manner too.

#3 Verify the hardware

Just like any other type of collar, a rolled leather dog collar comes with specific hardware. Hardware is responsible for all the pressure and stress. Such parts are the joints of a dog's leash, so they must be very carefully analyzed. As a general rule, hunt riveted hardware. Chances are these parts will resist for way longer periods of time. A D ring and a buckle are often the only parts needed for a proper functionality, yet high end collars may come up with other connecting elements too.

Keep in mind that whether it comes to doors, robots, cars or female dog collars, such things are only as good as how properly secured the hardware is. This is where all the stress goes. If the joints fail, the collar becomes useless, regardless of the expensive material and good appearance.

#4 Analyze the edging

If this is the first time you look for a Hermes dog collar or other type of high end alternative, you may not necessarily be aware of all the small details associated with quality standards. Most people just look at the collar, turn it around, consider its size and buy it. It looks simple, but what do you see when you turn it around? Pay attention to the edges. Quality edges should have one small extra layer of leather. The respective layer is both glued and stitched between the margins. This is a solid method of reinforcement. It prevents the constant rubbing against the dog's hair and skin. Besides, this layer provides the collar with a round and even appearance. Your dog will also love the leather feel over some stitches.

Cheap products do not have this extra layer. The two edges get together in a sharp angle, which inevitably pushes to go on top of the collar. You are more likely to find this construction in products coming from nameless manufacturers in retail supermarkets.

#5 Know the difference between leather and faux leather

You do not need such small details when buying a Hermes dog collar, but it might be handy to become familiar with these factors when analyzing other girl dog collars. If a rolled leather collar deal is too good to be true, it probably is. Leather and faux leather are almost identical in how they feel, yet the faux version is basically an imitation. It will barely make it to a few months. It will also lose its brightness and shininess in no time. Just like you have probably guessed already, it is a lot cheaper as well.

#6 Keep an eye on the holes

Look at the tongue holes. Are they evenly punched? Even if they are not, you should observe a pattern. Perhaps there are two holes punched close to another, then a little more space to the next set and so on. Are they also smooth? Holes that do not look perfectly smooth will enlarge in no time. At some point, they may no longer be useful in keeping the dog close, so it will lose the collar or maybe escape your leash.

As a short final conclusion, you will most likely run into a lot of cute dog collars. You can find such elements online, in supermarkets or specialized pet shops. Some of them come with useless whistles and bells. Some others are enhanced with quite useful features. Knowing what to pay attention to will lead to a smarter selection. While quality rolled leather collars can, indeed, cost more than synthetic products you can find anywhere, they will also last a lot longer. They are very cost efficient and most importantly, they will not harm or cause any discomfort to your dog.

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