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After fleeing the Peace and Security building, Calista made quick work of finding a new ride for her and Kix to escape in. Once the ship is out of Correlia's atmosphere, Calista punches in the rendezvous coordinates and jumps to lightspeed.

"Is now a good time to ask why you've been looking for a Sith lightsaber?" Kix speaks up.

"It's just a job, I don't ask questions." Cal sighs. "The First Order wants it, they pay me to get it for them."

Kix examines the intricate weapon as he spins it in his hands. "The First Order." He hums. "Are they like the Separatists?"

Calista glances over at him with a hint of pity at how much he's missed. Seeing as they have the time, she decides to give him a rundown of it all.


"So.. After the.. The GAR.." Kix inhales shakily. "They fought for the Empire? Willingly?"

"I'm not sure about that part." Calista sighs. "But it's been a long time since anyone has seen a clone. After the fall of the Empire, the First Order began picking up the pieces to create a new Empire of sorts—but they recruit humans to be their troopers." She explains. "And just like there was a rebellion during the reign of the Empire, the Resistance still exists today to fight the First Order."

Kix nods as his eyes remain fixed on the ground. Cal's heart breaks in her chest at the sight of him like this.

"I think I hurt my back pretty bad down there." She changes the subject. "Do you think you could take a look at it?"

Kix lifts his head to meet her gaze and swallows his emotions as he nods. He helps her out of her seat and back to the small cargo hold where he sits her atop a large crate.

"So what happens next?" Kix asks as he gently unwraps the cloth around her abdomen.

"I hand over the lightsaber, get paid, buy a new ship, and move on to the next job." She says.

Kix hums as he gingerly presses his fingertips to the wounded area. "So you're on their side then? The First Order?"

"I don't have a side." She admits. "I'm just a simple woman trying to make my way in the universe."

"But surely you have an opinion on it?" He asks.

Calista shrugs. "I'm not in any place for too long, I don't really see much of what happens."

The ship beeps as they approach their destination and Calista pushes herself off of the crate. They pull out of lightspeed to find a Stay Destroyer waiting among the stars.

"I'll handle this. There's no reason for you to get involved." She says to Kix as she flies the ship into the directed hangar. "Just stay in the cockpit and don't make any noise."

Calista grabs the lightsaber and tucks it away in her jacket. Before Kix can protest, she closes the doors and lowers the ramp for herself.

"Ah, the Zeltron." Captain Phasma mocks. "What a surprise."

"I was instructed to speak with Ren directly." Calista states.

"That's Supreme Leader to you." The silver bucket head snaps.

Cal rolls her eyes as she follows Phasma through the hangar and up to the bridge. The stormtrooper Captain approaches the Supreme Leader, who then turns to face the bounty hunter.

"Come with me." Kylo Ren states as he marches passed the Zeltron.

Calista waves goodbye to Phasma, wiggling her fingers mockingly, and turns to follow Ren. "I hear you got a promotion." She speaks up as the two of them walk. "How does it feel to be the Supreme Leader?"

"Enough." Kylo says, stopping once they reach an empty room. "You have the object?"

"I mean I think so, you didn't exactly provide much detail for me to-"

"Let me see it." Kylo demands.

Calista slips her hand inside her jacket and pulls out the relic. Kylo's eyes widen under his mask as he reaches for the weapon. The Zeltron pulls the lightsaber away from his reach and he looks up at her.

"My payment." She states.

"Captain Phasma will give you your reward." Kylo responds. "Now, hand over the lightsaber."

Calista tightens her grip on the weapon, only further angering Ren. The Supreme Leader lifts his hand to suspend the bounty hunter mid-air.

"You doubt the First Order's credibility?" He asks.

"As soon as we make the trade I'll be on my way." She assures him, sounding almost scared.

Kylo narrows his eyes under his mask as he steps closer to the girl. "You fear me?" He asks, looking into her head when she fails to answer. "You fear losing someone... Someone who's here with you." He states. "I didn't know bounty hunters were capable of forming attachments."

Calista's heartbeat quickens as she places the lightsaber in Kylo's hand. He immediately sets her down on her feet and she tries to catch her breath.

"I will inform Captain Phasma to meet you in the hangar with your payment." Kylo states.

Calista nods and shows herself out of the room. She quickly makes her way to the hangar, where Captain Phasma is waiting with a large camtono—undoubtedly filled with credits.

"Zeltron." Phasma greets the bounty hunter.

Calista takes the container from the stormtrooper and immediately boards the ship. Before the ramp is even fully closed, the ship takes off—exiting the hangar just as the ramp locks.

"That bounty hunter may prove to be more interesting than we had first assumed." The Supreme Leader says, standing beside Phasma as they watch the ship disappear into the stars.

"The fact that she's a Zeltron alone is enough to raise suspicion." Captain Phasma agrees.

"No you imbecile." Kylo snaps, causing Phasma to become tense. "It seems our little Zeltron has come into the possession of a clone trooper."

Phasma turns to face the Supreme Leader. "A clone trooper? It was my understanding that they were all gone."

"I guess we missed one." Kylo states, turning to head back to the bridge with his cape flowing behind him.

Captain Phasma looks back to the stars, running scenarios in her head as to where the last clone trooper could've been hiding all this time.


"Are you alright?" Kix asks, noticing how worked-up Calista is. "Did something happen?"

"It's done, I have the credits." She says, travelling as far as possible from their previous location.

"Calista." Kix caresses her face with his hands to gain her undivided attention.

Calista trembles as her eyes meet his. "He knows." Her voice shakes. "He looked into my head, he.."

"Hey, hey." Kix calms her down as he wraps his arms around her. "Who knows what? What happened?"

She just shakes her head. "The First Order knows there's a living clone trooper." She states. "They'll be coming for you. I shouldn't have involved you in any of this." She rambles.

Kix's eyes widen as he pulls out of the embrace. He looks down at Calista, who has worry written all over her face, and sighs softly.

"We just need somewhere to lay low. We'll be alright, alright?" He says but she avoids direct eye contact. "Hey, look at me." He lifts her chin with his index finger. She looks him in the eyes as she fights back her own tears. "We'll be alright."

Calista glances down at Kix's lips and he gently pulls away from her. She clenches her jaw as she sits back in the pilot's seat. Kix sighs inwardly at how much of a mess this situation has become and slumps in the chair beside her, both of them staring out at the fast-moving stars around them.

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