chapter twenty-four: dreams

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groupchat: mom and dad

court knee
hey guys
are u up?

ya, why?

is something wrong with ari??

court knee
well... i actually dk
she went to sleep about a half hour ago and i was still watching tv
and then i heard her talking in her sleep

say what now?

are u sure she's not actually awake?

court knee
no she's fast asleep
and she's... crying

is she having a nightmare??

shit, maybe u should wake her up

court knee
wait a minute
she's saying  "Malcolm"

oh shit
she's dreaming about him

ok maybe we really should wake her up

court knee
no, we shouldn't
she's talking to him
she's saying how much she misses him
i think we need to leave her alone


are u gonna leave too?

court knee
i'll go to another room
i'll let her sleep in peace

aight. goodnight court

love u

court knee
love u too

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arianagrande's Instagram messages

are u okay b?
i'm here for u

i know babe 🖤🖤


Hey Ari
You okay?
Again, I know we aren't the closest of friends but... if you want to talk about anything, I'll happily listen.

hi love!
actually, i was debating on telling my friends this but i'm scared they might laugh at me or not take it seriously
i think u might be the perfect person to talk to

You  can tell me anything.
I'm all ears.

i think i dreamt of malcolm last night, but it didn't feel like a dream
i was talking to him, and it felt so real
like... we were having a conversation

Wow, this is the first time I'm hearing about something like this.

everything felt so real. i was holding him, and he was holding me
he told me he would always take care of me, no matter where he was
i even remember begging him to not go before i woke up

I might be wrong because I don't know any real facts about this topic but...
I think that was really him.
He visited you in your dreams.
And if that's not it... you were probably doing some really intense R.E.M. sleep 😅
But I think that him visiting you in your dreams is plausible because... I believe in that myself (even though I still don't know how it's possible)

so... u don't think i'm crazy?

Of course not!
I truly believe that he visited you.
I know that people might not believe me, but if it was as vivid as you said...
That's the only explanation I got.

i believe that he visited me in my dreams too

Well, I'm glad that someone else believes that it could be possible 😅

idk how to tell my other friends tho
or even z
i'm scared they might think i'm crazy

Okay I can promise u that Daya won't think you're crazy 😂
But if you're so nervous, maybe you can keep it to yourself for a while?
You don't have to tell them right away.
Maybe "observe" your dreams for the next little while, and then bring it up?

hmm... i could do that
maybe it might happen again?
i hope it does
i really miss him

I can understand that, love

can u?
i called his cellphone almost 100 times by now
just to hear his voice message
and for some reason i keep hoping he'll pick up... knowing he won't

Ari... it's okay
You're grieving
You need to allow yourself to grieve
He passed away just recently. No one expects you to just get over it
He wasn't just a boyfriend to you. Like you said - he was your soulmate. Your best friend. He was so much to you.
You are allowed to be sad. You're allowed to feel heartbroken.
Just make sure it doesn't end up controlling your life, okay? 🙂

u know
ur really wise for someone who's 3 years younger than me 😂😂😂

I mean hey, what can I say 😂😂

but in all seriousness, thank u
thank u for talking to me
i know we don't really know each other that well but, why don't we change that?

How do you suggest?

z and u should come by.
we can have dinner, talk, get to know each other
it'll be fun! plus, i could use the friends 😅

I would love that, Ari!
Just text me the address and the time, and I'll be there!
I can't wait to finally meet you!

same here! i'm v excited 🖤

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