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TW: Death and Abuse

7 years ago

"I cant do it anymore! it hurts!" y/n cries out.

"I don't care. Keep going until I say stop. How are you gonna get stronger if you keep giving up?"

"Just one break father, please!" y/n begs.

"No, I told you we're training nonstop until I feel like your ready."

Y/n swallows her emotions and push through the pain. Her father trained her everyday for 12 hours. He made her push cars, hold her breath under water, move things without her hands, study, etc. He originally wanted a son, so he could train him to be strong but instead he had a daughter. That didn't stop him of course. He was evil, senseless, and abusive. Whenever y/n didn't do something right or gave up to early, he would make her fight him in kombat in which she'd always lose and be left with bruises everywhere. Her mother left when she was 6 because she couldn't handle her fathers abuse.

You see, Y/n L/n quirk is Mind manipulation and Telekinesis. She can read the minds of others, erase memories, move things without physical interaction, and kill. Lets explain the kill part. When looking at someone, by focusing on their breaths, she can take oxygen away from their lungs. Or if she focus on the body, she can break every bone she pleases. That's not all though, she can rips someones heart out of their body just by focusing on the beat rate. Scary right? Well she was introduced to all of this at the age of 10. Drawbacks are severe migraines, nosebleeds, fainting, and crying tears of blood. Y/n wasn't always cruel or evil, She's just been taught to be that way.

Now that all of that is out of the way, lets get back to training, shall we?

Finally getting the car to the end of the junkyard, y/n collapsed to the floor breathing heavy and all. She was pretty strong for a 14 year old but that didn't mean she wouldn't be tired still. Her father walked over to her and scoffed.

"you have 15 minutes to grab a drink of water and eat something, when your done your running laps around the beach for the rest of training."

"But father, I have 4 hours left of training." y/n said worriedly.

"Then your gonna be running for 4 hours since you cant push a simple car without complaining, understood?" he spat.

"Yes Father."


Y/n grew evil over the years and had no humanity left. She was emotionless and careless. She cooked up a plan to get rid of her Father. Words couldn't explain how much she hated him. Hated him for not giving her a normal childhood. Hated him for driving her mother away. So when Y/n turned 16, she murdered her father in cold blood. She didn't use her quirk though. She pledged to never kill with her quirk therefore, she used her bow and arrow. She put a bow through the heart, watching the life leave his eyes. She felt no remorse. A smirk painted her face when she realized she was finally free. She left the house after burning it down to the ground with his body in it.

But where did she go? She robbed a bank, erased everyone involved memories, and moved into nice apartment. And from there on, doing bad and being cruel became a habit.

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