Introducing Fernando Cienfuegos

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It has been a few weeks since Sam and Donna came from the doctors office in the mainland. A few days after they told Sophie about the news and she came back from her travels. Donna was in a depression state since finding out she had cancer and only had a half a year to live. It was a week later when she was feeling a little better but still sad. The doctor prescribed her medication and that she couldn't lift heavy weight or walk too far.

As the months past, Donna was getting weaker so Sam insisted she stayed within the hotel grounds. The dynamos came over after the news devastated and determined to lift Donna's spirit. They helped around the hotel while Donna rested but it still wasn't enough. The hotel was chaos so Sophie talked her mom and Sam into hiring a hotel manager. Sky published it on the website but not a lot of people came for interviews. Those that did, didn't qualify for the job or didn't seem right to Sophie, Sam or Donna.

That was until one day, a tall, bulky man came by, he had black hair with greys sticking out and white on his mustache. His hat made him seem like he traveled a lot and his eyes were dark brown and mysterious.

"Buenos días, my name is Fernando Cienfuegos and I'm here for the manager position. Señor Cienfuegos to new people" Fernando said bowing his head

"Hello, I'm Sam Carmichael and this is my daughter Sophie" Sam said

Sophie was intrigued by Fernando, she found him intimidating but in a pleasant way "Hello, we want to hire a manager because my mom, the owner of this hotel, is gravely ill. She-" Sophie paused, getting emotional.

Sam grabbed her hand and continued "My wife doesn't have much time with us so we want to take care of her and be with her while we still have her" he said in a cracked voice

"I understand, I'm sorry to hear that" Fernando said

"Let's proceed with the interview please" Sophie insisted, they did and needless to say Sam and Sophie were impressed by the man in front of them "Well señor Cienfuegos, you stay here if you want and we'll let you know tomorrow if you got the job" Fernando

The next day Fernando returned to know if got the job or not. He was sitting in the lobby when he saw a blonde woman come down the stairs. Fernando saw her struggling to take her steps so he rushed to help her.

"Good morning, please let me help you down" He said

Donna looked at him and for a minute she stopped to look at him. She was intrigued by his features, he was really handsome. At the same time she felt chills for an unknown reason. She would know better than to accept help from a stranger. Nevertheless, she felt she could trust this one.

"Sure" she said taking his hand and coming down "I don't mean to be rude but who are you?"

He chuckled at her directness "You're not being rude ma'am, my name is Fernando Cienfuegos. I came yesterday to apply for the manager position. They told me to come today for the answer" He said

"Oh so my daughter and husband are still hung up on having a manager" she replied "I'm Donna Sheridan, and please just call me Donna. Ma'am makes me feel like my mother. Trust me I don't want that"

He smiled "Of course"

"Mom!! You're not suppose to be up, you're suppose to be resting" Sophie said as she approached them

"Honey I can't be cramped up in my room all day either. I just wanted to get some fresh air" Donna said

"She's right Sophie" Sam said then turned to his wife "But you weren't suppose to come alone either"

"I'm fine!! You worry to much, Mr. Cienfuegos here helped me down" Donna said

"Señor you're came here quite early" Sam said

"What can I say? I'm a veteran soldier and am use to get up really early" Fernando said

"How nice" Sophie said

"Well since you're here, might as well tell you. Fernando Cienfuegos, you got the job" Sophie announced

Fernando was a hard worker, he never stopped working. Donna was taking a liking to him, he was also very attentive of her. They couldn't explain it but something was pulling them close together. Fernando did a wonderful job as a hotel manager. Sophie and him got acquainted quickly, plus Fernando was a fast learner. Sophie had asked him to clean out the goat house and put personal items in boxes. He came across a box that read "Ruby", that name sounded familiar to him. Out of curiosity, he opened the box and searched it.

He went cold as he recognized the young blonde haired woman.  Next to her was a little blonde girl playing with her mother's hair. Fernando searched more for he couldn't believe his eyes. Pictures of the same woman on stage singing and in different places. He then encountered an envelope which read "Donna". It seemed opened so he took a peek.

My dearest Donna,

I am truly about all the things I have said to you. I shouldn't have never turned away from you when you became pregnant. You know I have always tried my best to be a mother to you. Every time I fail, it breaks my heart, I hope you can forgive me someday. Sophie seems to be growing up so fast and I'm regretting missing it.

I have so much to tell you but I want to tell you about the second most important person in my life, your father. I have told you many times about how we met but never who he was. I wish I could've told him about your existence but it was too late. He was a brave and strong soldier, always protecting me. He had always had a way with words, it was enchanting to hear him talk. Anyways, you remind me a lot about him and that hurts but it was no excuse to turn you away. His name was Fernando Cienfuegos, I wish you could've met him. You two would get along so well, I hope you can forgive me for keeping this from you.

I love you dearly,

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