Chapter 3

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Derricho remained motionless inside the cockpit of his GM Commando, he yawned as he slowly started to move to check his watch.

He thought to himself aloud "What's taking that guy so long."

He could hear gunfire in the distance, Zekes must be having target practice. Heh, they need it. Derricho always mocked the Zeon, even in his thoughts. The gunfire crept closer, and closer, and closer. Hey that's getting kinda cl- WHAT THE HELL!? A shot rang past the sniper's head. He immediately jumped to the controls and swung his shield around to catch the next shot. As soon as it connected Derricho opened fire with both machine guns. As the pilot finally made it to the clearing, a shot from the Zaku sent him flying through the air towards Derricho's fire. In a stroke of luck the fire stopped and the commando dropped its left machine gun. Derricho caught the pilot and blocked another incoming shot with his shield before returning fire again with his remaining 100mm. Derricho dashed in front of the pilot's sniper.

"Get in you idiot!" he yelled through the onboard intercom. "The hell did you do?!"

"I don't know!" responded the pilot as soon as he was back at the controls.

"Get back to base, you're no good in close quarters," Derricho grabbed his second 100mm off the ground, "I'll drive him off!"

Derricho tagged the Zaku in the shoulder and it turned to retreat. The gray commando ran after it, firing round after round as both disappeared behind the tree line. The pilot fired up his suit and moved to run back to camp. The black and white GM sprinted through the woods until it tried to round a bend and tripped itself. The heavy mobile suit crashed to the ground and nearly knocked the pilot out on impact. On his side, the pilot checked and found that everything was still in working order and slowly rose the machine upright. He could no longer here the machine guns of either Derricho or the Zaku, and he was all alone. The feeling of being watched immediately returned to the pilot, and he realized that the woods did not look in the least bit familiar. The pilot scanned the suit's sensors around the area looking for anything that could point him in the right direction, but he couldn't even make out the footprints the RGM-79SP had just made. Out of the corner of his eye the pilot saw movement. He turned the robot towards the source, but there was nothing there. All of a sudden the enemy lock-on indicator went haywire, and the pilot frantically looked around but found no Zeon forces anywhere in sight. Just as quickly as it began blaring its warning, the indicator ceased altogether. Inside the sniper's cockpit, the pilot was in a near panic. He's not unfamiliar with the lock-on alarm, but he could always find what was going to shoot at him. What's happening? He thought. The pilot turned around, and to his shock he found himself staring at another mobile suit, but this wasn't a cyclops or a GM or anything. It carried a long sword on its back, its head resembled that of a wolf, with two piercing eyes that seemed to look directly at the pilot. It was a dark and lanky mobile suit, with exposed wires going up and down the appendages. It looked as if it would be put out of commission if it got hung up on a tree, but here it was on the middle of the forest staring down the pilot's MS. The pilot rose his long range beam rifle, it wasn't ideal at this range and this environment, but it would work. He turned the robot's head to plot a potential escape route, and when he looked back forward the unidentified mech was gone. It didn't make any noise, it- what the hell was that? The pilot took a step back, still trying to piece together what he just saw. The sniper's head swiveled around very quickly. He switched the sensors to infrared, and only found a set of footprints leading away, and they were his own.

A few miles away now, Derricho continued to pursue the Zeon mobile suit as it retreated while firing its 120mm. He had tagged it in the left arm, disabling it, but couldn't stop it from moving. A hail of 100mm rounds narrowly missed the Zaku as it ducked behind a large boulder. Derricho rounded the corner of the humongous rock, but the Zaku wasn't there. The commando looked around frantically for a second, before hearing a heat hawk ignite behind him. He quickly flung the whole mobile suit around, raising his shield just before the axe made impact. The axe dug in deep, Derricho holstered his right machine gun, drew a bright red beam saber, and plunged it straight into the heart of the Zeon. The pink eye of the cyclops started to flicker as the saber dug in as far as it could, before being raised upwards, splitting the Zaku in half. The remains of the enemy mobile suit released its hold on the axe imbedded in Derricho's shield as it was pushed aside by his foot. Derricho pulled the axe out of his shield and let out a yell of frustration as he threw it back into what was left of the dead Zaku's torso.

"A bit overkill don't you think?" A voice called out from the woods. Derricho turned to face the sound, seeing a black and white mobile suit staring back at him with a large beam rifle drawn. The pilot had found his way back to where he started and had ran in the direction of gunfire to help his comrade.

"Fucker had it coming. I told you to get back to the others." The gray commando called back.

"Yeah? Well, I ran into a bit of a situation. And I hold the rank here, remember?"

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Let's get out of here, I made a lot of noise.."


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