chapter 1

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(a/n f/n names your name that they call you based on your power pick what ever you think is suitable for you!)

your just drawing the crystal heart your mom told you about while wildcard just watched you.

your just drawing the crystal heart your mom told you about while wildcard just watched you

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you: it's rude to stare you know

wildcare looks away with a little blush on his face you continue to draw.

noodles: guys shes coming!

you cover the drawing with your computer and start to pretend to do your studies. Ms. Granada walks in.

Ms. Granada: children this is missy. missy sit down over there please. and children thank you for obeying my rules your parents will be pleased when i tell them about your outstanding behaver well done!

she turns around and walks out closing the door. noodles checks to see if shes gone.

noodles: shes gone!

the room goes crazy again. you start to talk to wildcard while wheels intoduces everyone. until a capella made the chair  you were siting on float so you were in the air. you just sat there crossing your arms and shooting her glares. she apologizes and put the chairs back down. you just start to snap your fingers like your lighting a liter and every time it lights you just blow it out and keep doing it.

wheels: then we have our fearless leaders wildcard and f/n. out of all of us except f/n sister, f/n talks to wildcard the most. f/n has her mothers lava and fire and her fathers shark strength. but try not to get her mad if she gets mad its a freak show. sometimes wildcard or her little sister can calm her down but its rare.

you do a small wave and just go back to what you were doing.

wheel: and then theres wildcard, theres not a single power in the world he doesn't have.

wildcard: true.

facemaker: sure, he has every power imaginable, but since he can't focus his energy, they show up randomly.

wildcard: also true... until now that is.

he looks at you give give him a nod signaling that you know he can do it he smiles a little and looks back at his book infront of him.

wildcard: TELEPORT!

the book moves a little then catches on fire. you pat him on the back

you: good attemt. guppy a little help please.

wheels: and last but definitely not least, Guppy f/n's little sister.

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