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"Yoonbum?!?" was the last text I sent to my
bestfriend before he went missing.

It's been a week since, I still have no idea where he is. I knew the police would be no use in this situation so I went out on my own and searched around the neighborhood day and night. I texted him everyday hoping for a response but got none. There were so many times I wanted to give up but I didn't. Second week came and I started to get even more worried.
I went out into the streets and realized the street I was walking down was abandoned

I thought 'Maybe he's in one of these?'

"Yoonbum?!?!" I called out

I didn't care how crazy I looked I just wanted to find him

"Yoonbum!!!" I called out again

I saw one of the doors open as a blonde guy walked out.
"Can I help you?"

"I'm looking for my friend, Yoonbum, any chance you've seen him? Black hair, about my height, really skinny, never looks up at you."

"I'm afraid no one lives around here but I did happen to see a kid who fits that same exact description.." said the man

"Really?!" Was the last thing I remember saying before being knocked out.

I wish I never found you~ Sangwoo X Reader killing stalking story Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon