Chapter 1

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The phone rang, interrupting the once peaceful and quiet room. An orange hue was projected through the room as he sat there, correcting papers. Lazily, he reached over and answered the phone.

"Hi, you've reached Aizawa."

After a few moments of listening, he sighed. "What do you mean Emi hasn't been coming into work? Did you check to see if she's ill? Also, she's her own person." He pinched the bridge of his nose. Why would Ketsubutsu Academy call him; a U.A teacher, for one of their staff members? He mentally groaned. "Did you at least visit her before calling me?" When he actually thought about it, he hadn't heard her for a couple of days but he figured it was due to her being really busy. She was getting married soon and that meant getting things put in place.

Aizawa was joined by Eri which pulled him out of the conversation for a moment. "Good evening, Dad."

He pulled the phone away from his ear. "Hey, honey. I left your snack on the counter." He then placed the phone back to his ear. "I'm sorry, I didn't get that." After the response was given, he sighed. "Okay, I'll look into it. Goodbye." He ended the call.

"Are you okay? You looked stressed." Eri pointed out. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"I'm okay, honey." He gave her a light smile. "I have to go to Ketsubutsu tomorrow to see what's going on with Emi. Everything will be alright. I'll make sure of that." He got up and lifted her into his arms. "Now, what would you like to do tonight? We could watch a movie or play a game or something."

"We could just watch a movie." She smiled to which he nodded.

"Alright, while we watch, I have to finish grade papers." He placed her on the floor so she could choose the movie. He walked over to the papers and looked down at the one he was grading before being interrupted. It belonged to Denki Kaminari. As he picked it up, he smiled proudly while in thought. 'Kaminari surely has improved since he started dating Jiro. I can't deny that fact. Getting an A on this assignment just goes to show that once properly motivated, one could achieve their goal.' He took up the other papers and his pen and walked over to where Eri sat. "You chose a movie already?"

"Yeah, I did." She smiled, not looking at him. Her gaze was fixated on the tv screen. "It's a musical and I like music!"

"You know, one day, maybe I'll let Class 1A get creative with doing a musical." He chuckled. "Whether it's successful or not, that'll be entertaining."

"Who would you put in charge?"

"Jiro is good with music and the whole U.A festival performance came off great. I'll have her be in charge of the music." Shota crossed his arms while still in thought about the rest. "Maybe, have Ashido and Yaoyorozu be in charge of casting and props. For a good script, we will need a good writer. That's something I'll have to think about overnight."

"This sounds like it's going to be so much fun!" She beamed.

"I think so too." He ruffled her hair. "Be right back. I have to go make an important call, okay?"

She nodded and he rose, walking to the room he considered his study. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number. "Hey, Principal Nezu, it's Aizawa." After he received the greeting from the principal, he thought up how he was going to word his next sentence. "I'm going to need to take tomorrow off. I've got some... personal matters to tend to that can not wait. My class will need a substitute and I think it's safe to say that I will probably get All Might to take care of Eri while I'm out." He sat in the seat and listened for the answer. "Thank you. I appreciate this." He ended the call and scrolled through his contacts until he landed on one Toshinori Yagi; All Might.

"I AM HERE!" All Might's voice blasted which caused Shota to pull the phone away from his ear.

"All Might, you didn't need to be so loud." He sighed. He was accustomed to being around loud people such as Hizashi but it still was quite annoying to him. "Anyway, I have a favor to ask. Can you watch my kid tomorrow?" He placed the phone on speaker as to avoid having to remove it from his ear again.

"You want me to watch over Young Eri tomorrow?"

"Yes, I have to do something important out of town. I already called Nezu and told him 1A will need a substitute and that I would ask you to watch Eri." He replied.

"Why can't I do both?!" All Might challenged while doing his signature laugh.

"Must you really try so hard?" He asked with a hint of annoyance in his voice. All Might was the greatest but ever since he lost his quirk, he didn't have to keep being as hardcore as he was. Either way, Shota had accepted the hero for who he was. "Well if you do, don't overdo it. We don't need you overworked."

"You got it!"

"Thanks, All Might." He ended the call and got up from his seat and walked back out to Eri whose eyes were glued to the screen. This put a small smile on his face as he joined her and went back to grading his work.

The next morning, Shota woke up early and made breakfast for Eri and himself. The quiet allowed him to hear his thoughts clearly. He had to figure out what was truly going on with his fiancée. Not going to work, taking calls, answering texts, and not allowing anyone to see her? This was unlike her. He hoped that she didn't do something stupid and got herself hurt or kidnap and didn't want to face the shame for a while. He sighed as he got the plates for the breakfast.

It was at this time, Eri walked down to the table and sat down. "Good morning, Daddy. You're going to go see Mommy today, right?"

"That's right." He nodded as he brought the breakfast over and sat opposite her. "All Might is going to look after you while I'm away."


When All Might arrived, Aizawa looked at him skeptically. "Are you sure you can handle both her and class 1A? You don't have to be so Plus Ultra."

"You worry quite a lot, Aizawa." Toshinori sighed. "I can handle it. I'll keep young Eri and the students of Class 1A at the same time."

"If you say so." He knelt and gave his daughter one last hug before handing her over to All Might. "Be good to All Might and don't worry too much about me or Emi."

After a long train ride and a good nap, Aizawa arrived at his stop. Before making his way to his fiancée's house, he pulled out a box of juice and drunk it. "I don't know what's more of a hassle: Waking up to teach my class or trying to figure out what to do with this woman. Let's just hope that nothing bad happened to you. I would hate to have to hurt someone today."

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