(2) Breakfast time!

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I went out of bed and headed to the cafeteria.

Miyra was my roommate in the school dorm in the most amazing and magical school, Starlight Palace! I am a weather unicorn, and Miyra was a time unicorn. We need to go to school to learn to use and control our powers. I feel like I forgot something though...

"Miyra!" I shouted. "Please change it back to the right time please? Our schoolmates have to wake!"

"Ok, fine," she replied. "It's just fun playing around with my powers!"

We arrived in the cafeteria. Wait! Where's our other friend, the flower unicorn Lala?

"Lala! Lala!" I called but she didn't come! I felt like I called her for ages! Maybe she's still asleep? We went to order our breakfasts. Then, someone came twirling into the room. Who was that?

"And jete and pirouette and a grand jete and another pirouette..."

I suddenly remembered who it was. It was Kylie! She loved dancing, no matter what type.  "Kylie!" I called to her.

"Hello, Syliy! Hello Miyra!" Kylie sounded a little tired. Maybe because she was dancing early in the morning!

We went to order our breakfast. I got a lotus sandwich. Miyra chose rose ice cream. Kylie got a daisy salad. Then, Lala finally came as we were seating ourselves at our usual 4 person table. 

"Hello everyone!" Lala was always cheerful! She then went to get herself some jewelberry jam toast. Now we all got our meals. We all started to dig in- Well Miyra was already eating her ice cream before I said that. We all know ice cream will melt during this summer day! 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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~Syliy Discovers Magic~ Starry Unicorn World {Series 1-Pretty Weird Holiday (1)}Where stories live. Discover now