Chapter Twenty-three: Don't Meet Your Idols

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~Chapter Twenty-three: Don't Meet Your Idols~

"Stop spreading your lies, you idiot."

My hissed words are met with a brief silence in which Nate has a brief moment to look shocked and then concerned about Loki before it is promptly broken by an undignified snort from Ullr that quickly dissolves into laughter. It is likely not what I said that sets Ullr off, though; it is probably the disgruntled expression on Loki's face as he looks upward, not disapproving of anyone in particular, just everything in general.

However, while I might normally join Ullr in his laughter at Loki's dramatics, I am tired, and sore, and Ullr's laughter is really grating at me. Before I can start snapping at him for enjoying himself, though, I take a deep breath and avert my gaze in hopes that not looking at them will ease some of my mounting irritation. It, unfortunately, does not do a lot, but it is still enough that I do not end up turning the feelings churning in my stomach onto them.

The box of juice was well-deserved, though, even if it hit the wrong target.

When I glance back at them, Ullr is still laughing, slowly but surely making his way towards the floor because of it, but Loki has shifted a little, his expression losing the exasperation and taking on something more somber as he stares back at me. Nate has also noticed this change in my mood, as he has started looking between us, curious but wary. My former boss looks like he wants to ask about it, but Loki does not give him a chance.

"As you have found our cousin," Loki starts, talking over Ullr's laughter, which starts petering out a little once he catches on that something is different, "we will gladly take him off your hands. He is very behind on his medications, and he is desperately needed back home. So, we thank-"

As Loki talks, I find myself looking to Nate, watching his expression become further guarded, his wariness written into every line. He does not look like he is buying what Loki is trying to convince him of, and I know why. Still, it is not until Loki mentions 'home' that I come to a decision. "It's gone," I interrupt, before this farce can continue.

"-you for..." Loki trails off when my interruption catches up to him, and he frowns at me in confusion. "What's gone?"

"Your sanity?" Ullr grumbles under his breath, the last of his laughter having fallen away, but only Nate pays him any mind.

I cross my arms and start tapping my fingers against my skin. "The Otherworld," I answer wearily.

"What?" Loki snaps, even as his attention flicks to Nate for the barest of seconds, no doubt concerned by his presence here, while Ullr just seems to be shocked beyond words.

My fingers still momentarily as I consider how to go about this before asking, "How long has Heimdellr been watching?"

Ullr seems to choke on air, but Loki just hisses, "Ai-Allen..."

"Loki," I retort, and feel the barest hint of amusement when Nate's reaction mirrors Ullr's from a moment ago. "I didn't just come here to reminisce; I've been recovering here for days. Nate is aware of far too much to be forced back into the dark."

The trickster god looks between Nate and me, likely trying to figure out what secrets my former boss has become privy to, but Ullr unsurprisingly focuses on something else. "'Recovering'? Recovering from what?"

Since I do not actually know the answer, as I can only vaguely remember brief moments of my condition that may or may not have been entirely made up by an addled mind, I turn expectantly towards Nate, figuring that he would know best what the damage was, before noting the alarming clamminess of his face. I take a quick step forward when he wavers a little, but it is Ullr who grabs a hold of his arm to keep him on his feet when he actually starts to sway.

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