Chapter 2

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We have separated into separate groups, all of the Water Elementals in one, Fire Elementals in another, etc. I got put into the Dragon Rider group since it outranks any of the Elementals, even Ice, which is the second highest rank. I get a bit annoyed when I notice that I am the only female Rider, not to mention the youngest. Everyone else looks older, as if they are sixteen and up. I'm only fourteen.

The speaker of the Ceremony, who I now is named Aiden, asks the Dragon Riders to follow him as he starts walking. We trek through the forest bordering the stadium on the Payllore side. We walk for a good ten minutes before coming to a clearing in the trees. There, in the center, are three dragons. They come forward greet the person I  assume is their Rider. I notice a dark gray Fire dragon walk up to Jolen. He pats the dragon's neck and goes around to its side. Jolen vaults up onto the saddle on it's back. I analyze the dragon in awe. He is dark gray with lighter gray stripes along his back and stomach, and has huge dark red wings. He is beautiful. 

"Alright," Aiden says, his voice ringing throughout the clearing. "Now is where we leave for the Academy. Everyone will ride with one of the three certified Riders and their dragons," he says as he surveys the five of us. "Enrys and Caylen, with me. Saro and Ladon, go with Nylbus. Arinys, that makes you riding with Jolen."

I nod and then glance over to Jolen and his dragon. I walk over to the side and slide my foot into the holder. Jolen holds out his hand and helps me up behind him. I glance down to the floor and my eyes widen. The dragon hasn't even begun beating his wings and the ground already looks way too far away. 

Jolen notices my hesitation. "You'll get used to it."

"Will I?" I say, unconvinced. I glance down at the dragon's beautiful gray scales. I tentatively rest my hand on them, and feel a warm energy course through me. I smile.

"My name's Cadmus," a voice in my head says. I frantically glance around, just to be sure that it was actually my mind speaking and not another person. No one notices anything. 

"Try thinking at me," the voice says.

"Who are you?" I say, projecting my mind. Or, at least, trying too. 

"Jolen's dragon. You're Arinys, right?" the dragon, Cadmus, says.

"That's me."

"It's a beautiful name."

I smile to myself. "Thanks."

"What are you smiling at?" Jolen asks.

I am startled out of my link with Cadmus and I glance at Jolen. "Uh... Cadmus?" I say, unsure of myself.

Jolen frowns. "I never told you his name."

Shoot. "He told me," I say.

Jolen then smiles at me. "It takes most riders a few weeks to be able to link with their dragon, let alone someone else's," He says approvingly.

Aiden's voice sounds again. "Time to go."

I take a deep breath. This is it, the point of no return. Unless, of course, I fail the Academy. But I'm determined to not let that happen. Cadmus's wings start slowly beating below me. It's mesmerizing to watch the beautiful red wings go u and down, with enough strength to actually rise off of the ground.

Cadmus follows Aiden and his dragon up into the air. The wind blows my pulled-up hair and I smile to myself, having the urge to throw my arms up and feel the cool breeze. I wouldn't though, I don't want to embarrass myself in front of a certified Rider, and I'd probably slip off the saddle anyway.

The colors of the Payllore sector blur together as Cadmus picks up speed. The feel of flight is incredible, and the beautiful mosaics of trees and rivers add to it.

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