three. weakness

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IT WAS MID AFTERNOON the following day, the sun was still beaming and the pattern of the historical windows in the Mikaelson mansion reflected on the wooden floor near the pregnant wolfs feet. Kristina was sat on an old dusty chair in a large room that looked like a parlour due to the multiple tables filled with glass bottles of aged wine and different viles of alcohol as well as old fashioned chairs. The wolf had learnt upon her release from the witches clutches that the stately home had belonged to the Mikaelsons for many centuries. But with all the sheets covering the furniture and the thick layers of dust, Kristina assumed it had been a long time since they had been back to New Orleans.

Kristina and Hayley had spent the morning making the deserted room look more lively and vibrant, after all, if they were going to be living there a while they might as well make it a decent living space. Hayley had left Kristina to talk — well, grill in Hayley's case — to Elijah about Kristina's safety, especially when it came to the witches intentions. Hayley was not the biggest fan of witches, in fact she near enough hated them, she despised how cocky and arrogant they could be just because they could light a candle with their mind. However, Kristina had learnt that not all witches were bad, they were just tired of being vampires slaves for power.

So, whilst Hayley was off grilling an original somewhere else in the huge house, the werewolf sat in an old green chair staring outside of the window with her own thoughts. She wondered what her friends back in Mystic Falls would think about her condition, would they be happy for her that she was becoming a mother or disappointed because Klaus was the father after all the misery he put them through. She tried to imagine in her head a different scenario for each person she told.

Kristina knew out of everyone Stefan would have been the most supportive, as long as the wolf was happy then Stefan felt no need to worry. She imagined Elena being thrilled over becoming a non-biological aunt and Caroline turning up at her doorstep with baby clothes and completely unnecessary stuff for the baby that she would deem 'essential'. However, not all of her friends would be excited for her, especially Damon. She pictured him calling the baby 'psycho jr' and not being happy about the dad being Klaus. It made the wolf feel sad knowing how Damon would react but then she realised Damons first reaction isn't always his real reaction and once he got over himself he would be extremely protective of her. He was always good like that.

The Marshall sister hadn't spoken to anybody in Mystic Falls since she left, she had been so distracted with finding her real family that she forgot about the people who made her understand what a real family is. Kristina picked up her phone and opened her contacts, her finger hovering over the call button. Should she call them? Even if she did would she have the courage to tell them what had happened or where she had ended up? She missed them with all her heart and wanted to tell them about the baby but what if they asked what Klaus thought about it. She hadn't heard from Klaus yet so really she had no definitive answer. She just didn't want to be alone in this.

𝟑| 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 » klaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now