Tuesday Febuary 23rd

13 0 0

My body was quickly slammed into the lockers first thing I taseted was my blood. Next thing I knew i'd lay there helplessly missing my first class.

I got up and went too my second class..great, he was here...in the middle of class he pushed my chair and I fell on the floor.so ... I pushed his back.

'Detention.both of you.NOW.'

She was mad....

We were both silently walking down the hallway then we got too the detention room..see here's the thing about our school..whenever you go too detention no one watches you...

So, we both sat down..and..just...waited I guess

I guess I made him mad somehow because he got up and started a fight..like normal.

I was gonna hit him but then...he pinned me too the wall.

"w-what are you doing..?"


My eyes drift shut as I softly feel a pair of lips connected w/ mine...

A/n// I am SO sorry if this was cringe (:

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