Chapter Twenty Six

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"Oh Merlin, I'm going to throw up..." Remus groaned. "Fuck."

"No, you won't," Severus replied. "You'll be alright."

"Sev... what if he doesn't get out? And even if he does, where's he gonna go!? He can't go back to that house!"

"Remus," Severus stated. "You need to calm down. Seriously, it will be fine. I told you, I'll come with if I have to. Do I?"

Remus shook his head. "No, you can go out with Harry."

The Slytherin nodded. "Okay. What do you want for breakfast?"

"Not hungry. I'm going to try and get some grading done-"

"No," Severus interrupted, giving Remus a slight glare. "You're eating breakfast. What do you want?"

"I'll just get myself some cereal, Sev. You can go back to bed if you want."

"I'd rather stay up with you." Severus wrapped his arms around Remus' torso, their noses touching. "So what are we going to do until you have to leave?"

"Depends, what time is it?"

"Uh... Seven thirty, so we have a little less than an hour."

"Well... Want to go cuddle on the couch?" Remus suggested. "Might calm my nerves a bit... But if you don't-"

"Let's go cuddle on the couch. I want to."

Their position wasn't completely unusual, but it was new to them. Severus was laying with his head on the armrest. Remus was laying between his legs, his head resting on the other's stomach. His arms were wrapped around Severus' legs. The Slytherin tangled his fingers in his lovers hair, running them through the thick, honey brown locks.

"This is nice..." Remus mumbled, eyes half lidded. "I like it."

"Maybe we should do this more often, then. Now shh."

The Gryffindor nodded, letting himself relax against the warm body that belonged to Severus.

So. Warm.

They laid like that until they heard feet padding on the floor.

"Hi Daddy..." Harry mumbled tiredly. "Morning Pappy." He saw what they were doing, shrugged, and decided to lay on Remus' chest.

"Still tired, cub?"

"Mmm-hmm. Sleepy."


Remus grinned, tears forming in his eyes as he saw his best friend. His best friend, who he thought to be a traitor but was not.

He and Sirius made eye contact, held it for a moment, before Sirius looked away and at the floor.

He took his seat, waiting until everyone else did as well.

Finally, finally, everyone had taken their seat, and the Wizengamot started the trial.

"You are Sirius Black, correct?" one of them asked.

"Yes," the man replied. His voice was hoarse, loud, and angry. Remus smiled at Kingsley, who stood next to his friend.

"How do you plead?" 

Kingsley stood and spoke in his deep voice, "Not guilty."

"You may be seated."

And now the interrogation begins.

"You were found guilty in nineteen eighty one as an accomplice to the Potter murders, along without fourteen counts of murder?"

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