Chapter 2

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Here's is a little note about me, I cry when I'm angry so as you can probably tell I would have started to tear up when I pass Eli's table. I walked out of school and went home, I grabbed my skateboard and headed to the skate park to chill out for a while. I got to the skatepark and no one was there so it was a good thing. I grabbed my skateboard and rode around for a bit trying to get comfortable. I saw someone do a trick the last time I was here and I wanted to learn it. You would glide on a step and then before you get to the end you flip your bored with a 360 and land it. I practiced and practiced, and I couldn't get it, I kept falling. After about 15 minutes I stopped and took a breath, I guess I was zoned out and wasn't paying attention around me because a boy with medium, brown hair, with green eyes, was watching me.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"No, I was just watching you fail the trick." He laughed.

"I didn't know I had an audience." I grabbed my water.

"I can help you with the trick if you want." He seemed nice.

"You can do it?" I questioned.

He got up and skated around for a couple of seconds and then went in for the trick, he landed it perfectly.

"What does that tell you?" He smirked.

"I guess you can help." I put my water down.

"You're trying the flip to quickly wait a little longer." He talked with his hands.

I nodded and skated for a second. I went in for the trick, I did as he said and I almost landed it, my foot didn't make it on the board right away.

"That was good, try again." He gestured to the step.

I did as he said and went in for it. This time, I tried to relax and do the flip later. I went in, I glided across the step easily, took a deep breath, did the flip and I landed it perfectly.

"I did it." I was so excited.

"Good job." He smiled.

"Thanks for the help." I grabbed my board.

"Anytime, I've seen you around here before. What's your name?" He asked.

"Maddie." I took a drink of my water.

"Oh, you're Moon's twin sister." His face lit up with the mention of her name.

I nodded.

"Well, I got to go." I grabbed my stuff.

"Wait, I'm sorry. Do you wanna skate sometime with me?" He asked.

"I'll think about it." I knew he was only trying to be nice to get to my sister

"Umm ok, my name's Robby by the way." He was shocked by my answer.

I nodded and went back to my car. I got in and watched him skate for a while, then his friends came. I recognized his friends right away, I had punched one of them and slapped the other a couple of months back. They would purposely run into me and make me fall while I was skating, I decided I want nothing to do with Robby and his friends.

I drove home and went straight to my room.

"Maddie?" My mom knocked on the door.

"Come in." I called out.

She opened the door and came and sat down on my bed.

"Moon told me what happened today." She looked disappointed as always.

"And?" I wanted to see where this was going.

"It wasn't right what you did to Yasmine." My mom looked at me with regret.

"Yes it was, she was making fun of a kid who hasn't even looked her way once." I was getting angry.

"I think you should see your therapist again, for your anger management." She placed her hand on mine.

"I'm fine." I took my hand away from hers.

"Well, there is a new karate dojo in town and your father and I signed you up. I think it'll be good for you." She smiled and stood.

"I don't even like karate." I explained.

"You have your first class tomorrow after school." She walked out and closed my door.

I didn't need any karate. I was perfectly fine, yes maybe I couldn't keep my anger in check sometimes but I definitely wasn't going to karate to try and "fix" myself.

A few hours later I was called down for dinner. We sat at the table and Moon was telling our parents about her amazing first day.

"Maddie, did mom tell you about your first karate lesson tomorrow?" My dad looked at me.

"Yes, but I'm not going." I simply stated.

"It's either that or I can schedule you an appointment with your therapist." My mom threatens.

"This is such bull shit. I don't even like karate, and I hate that stupid therapist." I was getting upset.

"Well, you have to choose." My dad took a sip of his water.

I didn't speak.

"Fine, I'll call Dr. Rebecca." My mom reached for her phone.

"Fine, I'll go to the stupid ass karate lesson." I stood and went to my room.

I hated when they made me have a choice between two things I didn't want to do. I got ready for bed and grabbed a book off my shelf. When I was by myself and no one bothered me I was calm and quiet, I liked being alone. It was my safe place, I opened the book I had been reading for the past week and started reading. Since I opened the book I felt like time flew, I looked at the clock and it was already 10:30. I need to go to bed so I wasn't even more cranky in the morning.

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