A Queen is Born

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Summary: Shuri inherits the powers of the black panther while having one last talk with her brother.

A scream sounded as T'Challa was thrown off of the falls. Killmonger laughed, victorious as her brother fell to his demise. Then she was in her lab, surrounded as everyone around her turned to ash. She looked at her own hand. She too was turning to ash. The sky was grey and filled with smoke and dust as she found herself fighting through hordes of aliens.They bit and clawed at her skin, making her wonder if she would see the next day. She opened her brother's bedroom door.

Shuri sat up, opening her eyes. Her clothes were now white, the world around her hues of purple. She stood up, rolling her shoulders. Ingesting the herb was... more painful than she imagined. Panthers sat in a tree, one climbed down, turning into T'Challa. Shuri's breath hitched as she stepped forward, taking in the sight before her.

"Brother!" She cried out, practically a sob as she ran to hug him. She half expected to go through him, but her arms wrapped around T'Challa as though he were solid. Tears pricked her eyes as his arms wrapped around her, rubbing comforting circles on her back.

"Shuri, Shuri, Shuri, it's all right..." her brother murmured, "I am here. I cheated death once, I couldn't do it again." He nudged her back, holding her by her shoulders. Shuri sniffled, wiping her eyes. Her brother's kind smile looked down at her, knowing and reassuring.

"I-I can't do this. Not alone. Not without you, T'Challa." The idea of it alone had been eating her alive. T'challa tsked, raising an eyebrow.

"Alone? Now, Sister, what makes you think you're alone?"

"If you're about to give me some weird speech about how I'm not alone because you and our ancestors are always watching, I'm not in the mood." T'Challa chuckled lightly at that, wiping a tear on her cheek away with his thumb.

"No, you wouldn't take that well. I was going to say you have White Wolf, and Mother." Shuri scoffed. She wanted to pull away from her brother's touch, but she wanted to savor what would be their last conversation.

"Sergeant Barnes will leave me, back to America and his friends," Shuri said bitterly, looking away.

"Oh, Shuri. All you have to do is ask and he'll give you the world. He hasn't kept his loyalties a secret. You will protect our people, and he will protect you. You will never be alone, Little Sister."

Shuri gasped, her lungs desperately crying out for air. Bucky had a hand on her back, someone else was pulling her up by her hand. The pain of the herb coursing through her veins subsided as she absently leaned into the arms of her broken white boy, gasping for breath. T'Challa's words rang in her ears as her world came back into view. She shakily started to stand, Bucky's arm steady as she pushed off of it. She certainly felt... different. Her senses felt like they were over stimulated. She could hear everything, see everything, smell everything, her eyes wide and wild as she tried to get used to her surroundings. Everyone was just giving her space, letting her feel things out for a moment. Bucky was looking at her, head tilted in curiosity, brow furrowed in... confusion? Concern? Both? One of those.

"T'Challa spoke highly of you," Shuri said finally, a dry laugh escaping her lips. Bucky blinked, unsure how to take that.

"I'm... glad?"

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