The Light

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Wake up Tam!

No Biana won't need you if you do.

What about your sister!

Tam heard a scream, and wanted to wake up. He couldn't.

He felt someone hold his hand, fall asleep beside him, and not leave his side.

He heard screams. Then someone kissed him, and Tam tried to wake up and hoped to see it was Biana. He couldn't.

The person sat beside him and laced their fingers through his. He tried to hold their hand, but he couldn't move.

"Lihn, it's been fifty five minutes. They'll be back to take his body soon. Look how pale he is." A sweet but sad voice said. 

"I know, but I keep hoping. Until the end right?" That was his sister! He had to wake up! He's not dead yet!

"I'm going to sing to him. It'll put him at peace before he goes into the light." The sweet voice started singing one of Tam's favorite songs. If I Could Tell Her. He'd learned it for Biana, and it was their song. It was his favorite though he'd never admit it to Keefe.

Someone interrupted the singing. "Ladies it's time."

"Let the girl finish the song she's grieving."

The singing continued. A bright light started to shine on Tam. It pulled him in. He resisted. He ran towards the singing. He had to wake up!

Biana sang the last couple lines, "And how do you say, I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you." Tam's cold hand went deathly cold and she stopped. As she was about to pull away Tam's hand closed around hers.

"But we're a million worlds apart. And I don't know how I would even start. If I could tell her. If I could." A weak voice croaked out.

"Tam!" Lihn cried.

Tam opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by a long kiss from Biana.

"I love you. And I am never letting you go again." She told him against his lips.

"Well that's good, because I'm not letting go either."

The Dare-Tiana (BianaxTam)Where stories live. Discover now