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After the meeting, I found myself spread across the leather couch in the lounge room, a book perched up on my knees.

I had texted a few of the girls who worked with me at the bar, none who I considered incredibly close to me, but they were the only people that I would consider to be some sort of friend. I was just waiting back on their reply and I thought it may be a good idea to catch up on my reading, since I had nothing better to do.

My brothers and the guards had left, either going home, or taking their shift and positioning themselves around the house. My dad took it upon himself to show Harry around the house before he left for the day with my mother, and I found myself alone in a house surrounded by men who were there to protect my safety. It was a strange feeling. I wasn't alone, but I couldn't help but feel a bit lonely. Like everyone had responsibilities apart from me.

Harry didn't speak to me unlike most of the guards. After his tour of our house, he found himself standing against one of the white pillars of the lounge room. It gave him a clear view of the front door and the long hallway. By standing there, he also had a view of the staircase directly in front of him. It wasn't a position I noticed many guards stand in. They were usually situated at the front door, or walking around the grounds. We lived in a decent sized house, but our land was huge, and it often felt like you could get lost. Our long driveway is was lined up by pine trees, and it created a pathway down to the house and the garage which was situated to the left of the property. It was a double garage parking space, and behind that, was access to our huge backyard. We had a bungalow out the back, located a bit further down from the pool. There was a small pathway of pebbles that lead you to it. It was shared amongst the guards, and those who had to do overnight shifts. They also all had access to the gym. Not that many of them used it.

Some of the guards felt a bit awkward standing in my presence without talking, given that they had known me for so long, so I often found myself in small talk with them to pass the time away. Given that Harry was not them, and he had a heavenly facial structure, I was finding it a bit harder to think of any type conversation starter. My eyes were glued to my book, but the silence between us was deafening and I was finding it hard to concentrate.

"Most guards don't stand there," I commented, glancing up at him. I secretly hoped he might of already been looking, but his eyes were fixed on the front door, his arms laced in front of him. I frowned when he didn't reply, making the silence between us rather awkward. I wanted to get over my initial thoughts of not being able to trust him like my family apparently did, but with his lack of talking, he was making it rather hard.

I sighed, and flipped the page over. "I don't suppose you're going to tell me how you know my brothers?"

Again, silence. He stood straight like a statue, his back facing me. Despite staring at his back for longer than I would like to admit, it took me a moment to realise that he had changed out of his jumper and jeans, and was now wearing a plain black shirt that stretched across his broad shoulders, tightening around muscles. I noticed he had more tattoos on his back, they peaked out from the top of his shirt and ended at the base of his neck. I had a strange demand to ask what they were, and I bit down on my lip to stop myself from asking.I continued to stare at him, until my eyes landed on the gun that was hitched by his waist. I always questioned how trained our guards were to gain the confidence of my family to allow them to not only have access to the house and to know where all our valuables were kept, but to have a gun on the premises.

"You're going to have a pretty boring day if you're just going to stand there," I said loudly, turning another page that I hadn't bothered to read. Harry's presence was enough to distract me, and I was suddenly on a mission to get a few words out of him, but I felt like I was really just keeping myself entertained at this moment. Harry had made it clear that he clearly wasn't one for talking. "Nothing interesting happens in this house, you're better off walking the grounds with Joey."

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