7| Fight Or Flight

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Jesse pressed his back to the wall behind him

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Jesse pressed his back to the wall behind him. Stiff, unable to move. He felt just like a child again, small and terrified. His blue eyes carefully followed that intruder's movements as if every move he made might be his death.

"Wh-What are you doin' in my house?"

Jesse finally had the nerve to speak, but the voice that left his quivering lips was as fragile as his posture; Arms around him like a shield. Shoulders shrinking around his thin frame, making him smaller than he'd ever been.

Jesse never saw T-Bone transform into a beast. Part of him hoped that those bright yellow eyes shining in that dark corner belonged to a human, but part of him knew better not to hold on to such false hope.

"I came to give you your phone back."

Jesse flinched when T-Bone dared to move toward him with a couple of slow, confident steps. When he came into the light, all the hope Jesse had in him faded away.

Shiny, pointy teeth behind a grin so sinister it sent chills down Jesse's spine.


T-Bone took two more steps forward, nearly closing the gap between them and forcing Jesse to shuffle his feet, feeling like a mouse trapped in a maze. T-Bone finally stopped, tilting his head to take a good look at his powerless prey from the top to the toes with a smirk. Those evil eyes enjoyed watching Jesse's already thin frame getting smaller, shrinking in fear.

T-Bone raised his hand before Jesse's gaping gaze, holding a phone.

Long, sharp nails, so dark, thick, and dirty.


"I told ya you'll get it back later, didn't I?"

Too close. Jesse could smell the scent of dewy leaves and humid trees; that scent always reminded him of the rain forest south of Louisville, but not this time. All he could think of was wild vicious animals, tearing apart innocent people. He's standing too damn close to me. It made his face go pale with droplets of sweat coating it.

"Hey." T-Bone whistled sharply and peeked at Jesse's face. "Dude, your phone is right here. Don't you want it?"

Jesse wasn't paying attention to the flashing device in front of his eyes, but the deadly claws that were holding it. Then his eyes caught a glimpse of T-bone's tongue rolling out to lick his own mouth like a hungry wolf.

A monster. Jesse's heart hammered in his chest. A real monster is in my room, standing right in front of me.

"Are you-" Jesse spoke, but his voice came out as a pitiful whisper. "Are you going to eat me?"

"Eat you?" T-Bone threw his head back and barked with laughter. "That would be a total waste." He paused to straighten up his posture. "Nah, don't be silly." His disturbingly cheerful attitude changed into a dangerously serious one in a split f a second. "I'm going to fuck you and fuck you hard, you delicious little bitch."

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