10: un año later

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Almost a year later. Nata and I aren't close anymore. I'm close with Junior now. I blew off Jefnier after what happened and haven't spoken to him since, but I see he's doing well. Pedro basically made bank off of writing songs about me not liking him back, we're still friends though. Gabriel left Eslabon Armado, we're still in contact. Brian and I are still normal, just a couple of besties. Dess and I still live together, but in a new home.

imessage 💬

i'm in la today.

wanna hang out?

where are we going tho?🙄

pues you pick the worst places.

bitch we're gonna go
eat because ik your fatass
wants to.

can we go get pho y boba?

i'll pay!!!

pedro is coming too.

he can pay for us then.

cause he's all hollywood
and shit.😒

he said he will.

now come on bitch
we meeting you there🙄

hurry i'm hungry


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