Chapter 10 - Knights and Horses

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We rode south back in the rough direction from which I had come. We rode all day before resting just as the sun had started to set. The knights all slept in one place and I slept far away wrapped up in the clothes. I hoped that because of the clothes I was wrapped up in the wouldn't notice my transformation. And that worked fine for the first night.

Then we continued for another day we ate bread and had water and the knights also had a small portion of wine. Then just on the horizon to our left, we could see a village.

"Are you sure you don't want to go back to your village? It's right over there."

"No, I'd rather go to the capital. That way I can get working and maybe start a life."

"At your age? You'd be lucky to be paid enough for bread."

"You'll be better off where the locals know you. Yeah, we'll stop you off there. It's not a problem for us. It's only a 10-minute detour as a whole."

"Yeah, you're lucky your village was right between us and the capital."

"And it will save you 2 days of travel.

"Well let's rest now and you should have made your decision by the morning"

I went to sleep and transformed back. I knew it would take too long to reach the capital on foot so I had to try and hitch a ride with them even though it was very risky. Every single night I had to deactivate my transformation. So it would be very easy for them to find me like that. So if I continued with them to the capital I'd be sleeping around them for 2 more nights before arriving making the chances of discovery pretty high.

So I slept

"Have you made your decision?... hold on what the fuck!.. Everybody wake up There's a monster in the girl's bed!"

"What is it?"

"I don't know it's hairy and has pointy ears"

I had been rudely awakened and discovered. It was clear that my cover was blown.

"How big is it?"

"It's pretty small"

"You idiot that's a monada. Don't wake us up for something like that again."


"Monadas are the weakest monsters that exist. The only way a monada could ever kill anybody is if they were an unarmed child... Oh shit!"

"Did you hear anything last night? Maybe she ran off, she wasn't necessarily eaten"

"Maybe she was a monada that whole time"

"No that's impossible Monadas are non-magical and not intelligent enough to mimic a human, like that."

"We can only hope that she ran away instead of got eaten"

"Let's kill the monada just for good measure"


Then dread welled up inside me. They were going to try and kill me. 3 fully suited up men trained in combat with swords against me. The weakest monster that exists. Just one and completely unharmed, well I supposed that was what the grinding was for.

But it seemed that they were going to be cocky. Only one of them approached me.

"Don't worry I'll handle it"

He grabbed his sword and swung it at me. The sword struck me and left a shallow wound in my tough hide.

"What the hell! I just swung my sword at the thing with all my strength and I only cut it"

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