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Sakura: Oh ............. my............. fucking............... god.

Kakashi: Oh god please stop this is wrong in so many ways .

Me: How? 

Kakashi: 1) She is a kid and I am a adult. 2) I will go to jail cuz of this 

3) I dont even like her that way 4) -

Me: Ok Ok ok I get it Old man.

Sasuke: Why would anyone want a useless bitch like her.

Hinata: * apeares* Excuse me thats my girlfriend Your talking about Uchiha . * in a very spooky and cold voice*

Sasuke: Um -  I -i -m s-s- sorry .

Hinata: A sorry wont do Byaku-.

Naruto : * with kyuubi in control* Touch him and I wont hesitate to kill you .

Hinata: OK BYE * takes Sakura and leaves*

Sasuke : thank so much Naruto .

Naruto : Anything to save you . UwU

Me and Kakashi: SO DOD DAMN CUTE !

Both of them : * blushing too red *

Me: Rate and I will take sakura's as a 0 .

Naruto : 6/10 becuz its just too cute .

Sasuke : same as Naruto .

Kakashi: 0 just no .

Me : Well then SHOO SHOO !

Three of them : Ok OKwe are going >

Signing off Scarlett 

Rate : 12 

Word count : 221

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