chapter 1 the game of life

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Izukus pov

I was going back to the dorm after my morning run. I was going to class and noticed that everyone was looking at me. I thought it was weird but just went about my day, so I got to my class
Room and when I open the door all eyes where on me.

Me "Hey guy's what's up?"

Bakugou "Deeekkkuuu!"

He try to attack but was stopped by lida , uraraka, Tokyami, asui and todoroki.

Lida "Bakugou stop! He's not the trader and you know it "

Bakugou "are you going to defend that trader"

Uraraka "He's not it's can't be him "

Me "Whats going on? Im not the trader"

Todoroki "the league of villains released a video of you getting your quirk from all for one and Stelling files  from u.a"

Bakugou "I know your where hiding where you got your quirk deku"

Uraraka "why would he steal files on us when he writes books full of facts about are quirk's "

Asui "yeah Bakugou its doesn't make sense ribbit "

I was confused as of why the league would try and frame me by saying i got my quirk my all for one. All might give me it and principle nezu , recovery girl know about it so the likely hood of it working was low if not impossible ...but they didn't send it to u.a the made it public so that people who know i was puirkless would speak out to the police and hero association. And I can't explain how I got my puirk without explaining one for all, they have got me in a situation I can't do anything about.

But then the police came to arrest me for 'crimes against the hero association' I couldn't do anything. if I did they would think I'm guilty or lying to them so all I could do was go with them and wait till I was proven innocent.

Head of police "your going to put away in tartarus "

They took me to a helicopter and we fly to tartarus. If it was a normal stay i would just be confined in a cell with quirk cancelling cuffs but the guards had other plans. The moment they got me in my cell the beat me till I couldn't  move and leave me there on the floor. They do that every day, they don't give me a bed or the ability to got out of my cell. The food they give me, if any at all  
Its terrible and rotten. I thought I'd be out in a week at most but its been a month and nothing changed. Till it happened.

I was in my cell doing nothing till some guards come. I thought it would be like always where they just beat me  but today they had other plans and a spoon?. They grabbed me and took me to a strange arena full of people. I was put in a room where they told me whats happening.

Guard#1"so heres the thing your going to fight in a little game here, if you lose you die and if you win you don't! "

Me "w-w-what?"

Guard#2" is he stupid or something!"

Guard#1 "maybe we hit him to hard last time "

Guard#2 "yeah ahahahah" 

Guard#1"ok I'm going to explain the rules of the game ok!"

I just nod to tell him I understand.

Guard#1"so you are going against fellow prisoners who have the death sentence, you will not be able to use your quirks because of those cuffs but you will be given a partner with a quirk that you will use. This will be filmed for the enjoyment of the public so put on a good show"

OK now officially scared this guy explain what I couldn't only assume is the worst thing I will ever hear in my life and told me that i am basically in a hunger games type thing where you die if you lose.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2021 ⏰

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