Fat Lady

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"Professor, can I ask you something?"

"You want to know why I stopped you from facing that boggart? I assumed it would be obvious. I assumed it would take the shape of Voldemort." I stopped walking and tensed up making Remus almost step on my tail. "You have got to stop doing that, Vix!"

Sorry. NOT!

"Her name is Vix?" Harry asked and Remus gestured for him to pick me up. Harry did so and I immediately bit his fingers lightly. "She seems nice."

"The nicest actually. Though sometimes she's a bit of a pain." Remus laughed and petted me. I bit his fingers and he winced. "See? She's nice when she wants to. Now, about your boggart."


"Do you ever shut up? Let me enjoy this!"

"Right. I did think of Voldemort at first but then I remembered that night on the train. The dementor." Harry said uneasily and sat me down. I whined and moved closer to him making Harry smile slightly and picked me up again.

"I'm very impressed. That suggests that what you fear the most, is fear itself! This is very wise. There was only one other person I know that fears fear itself." I gave Remus a look and he smiled slightly.


"A very good friend of mine. Her boggart changed into two things: a spider, and death. And yet she handled it with a grace that nobody would've thought that she had. Except the spider, she cried afterwards." Remus chuckled and leaned on the pillar.

"Before I fainted, I heard something. A woman screaming." Lily?

"Geez and not your father?"

"Last warning."


"Well, dementors force us to relive our very worst memories. Our pain becomes their power." Remus said and gave me a look. I looked down and hid my face in Harry's jacket.

"I think it was my mother. The night she was murdered." Can we not relive that? Thanks. Remus don't you fucking dare. I'm warning you.

"You know, the very first time I saw you Harry, I recognized you immediately. Not by your scar, but by your eyes. They're exactly like your mother Lily's." DON'T FORGET JAMES' STUPID FACE!


"Yeah, but Jade is prettier."


"Come on! Jade is way prettier. No wonder all the boys threw themselves at her feet. SHE'S HOT!"

"That's rude!"


"You knew my mother?"

"Yes. I knew her. Your mother was there for me at a time when no one else was. Not only was she a singularly gifted witch, along with her best friend, she also was really kind. She had a way of seeing a beauty in others, even when that person could not see it in themselves." Bitch what? I'm literally right here. I call you my mistress for a reason. That's just rude on so many levels.

"BITCH WHAT!? Oh I'm so sorry Moony for not wiping your ass that one time."


"Or not handing you a napkin or some shit. But thank Merlin for Lily, right? For once, I'm actually glad I'm dead. That way I can't slap you into next year. I BECAME A STAG FOR YOU, MOONY! A MAJESTIC STAG! But thank Merlin for Lily's existence, huh? At least you could count on her while I went to take a shit THAT ONE TIME!"

The Aftermath (Sequel to The Fifth Marauder) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now