Chapter 3: The Fiery Guardian

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"...and then I was like; 'You gotta catch me first!'," the joyous voice of Valkyrie said. The five bladers, minus Valt, laughed to her story.

They were now seven hours into their journey through Aether on a dirt path through the forest. While walking, they decided to tell some funny stories to each other to lighten up the trip. Valkyrie decided to tell the tale of Valt's first encounter with Aiga two years ago, an event which she found hilarious. As she told the story, her master couldn't do anything but have flashbacks and cringe at his 13 year old self.

"Then I was the one who caught you!" Aiga continued.

"Yeah, and the way you crashed in to him..." she then burst into laughter. "It's like you gave Valt a big hug." At this, Aiga's face turned a bit red out of embarrassment while Valkyrie, Drum and the Asahi brothers continued to laugh.

"Well..I had no choice, okay?! He was gonna go splat on the ground! " Aiga yelled, his face still red.

"He's right!" Valt exclaimed. "Also, I can't believe you did that on purpose just to mess with me! I could've lost you, you know!?"

The spirit chuckled. "I'm sorry, I promise I won't do it again. Still though, had I not did that, you would still be lost in that forest."

"You're...actually right."

Suddenly, Drum ran in front of them with a smile. Then his eyes turned to Valkyrie and noticed something.

" Hey, what's that on your neck?" he asked, pointing at her.

It only took Valkyrie a few seconds to know what the blonde was referring to.

"Oh, this is a Bey mark." she answered as she lifted her hair a bit so the boys could see the mark clearly. The mark was blue in color and depicted a pair of wings. The bladers were captivated by it.

"Is it a tattoo?" Hikaru asked.

"Not quite. This mark appears when a spirit finds his or her blader. It can appear on any part of the body. " Valkyrie explained.

"Is it always a pair of wings?" Valt asked.

"No. Every bey mark has a design unique to every spirit."

The five boys 'O'ed in understanding. "Hey, speaking of finding bladers, how did you become Valt's beyblade?" Aiga asked.

"Simple. When Valt first created his bey, he called out my name. We spirits had swore an oath to serve any human who conjures up our names."

" Wait, if that's the case, what did you do before you became my bey?" Valt asked.

Before Valkyrie could answer, a low, audible rumbling could be heard. The bladers looked at each other but it didn't come from them. Then they turned to the red-haired spirit, the rumbling was heard again. Yep, it came from Valkyrie.

"Maybe we should stop and eat first." she said and laughed awkwardly. The five bladers sweat-dropped.


"I did not expect you to feel hungry." Hikaru stated, sitting on a carpet while waiting for the food.

"We need food to survive too, okay? It's not like we're gods." Valkyrie said while lying down on the carpet.

"Hey guys! Guess what I got?" Valt said as he shows up to the group with plastic bags of,

Wait for it.




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