I don't know you yet

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When Isabelle Molina was ten years old, her mom told her the story about Cinderella. From then on, Belle had always fantasized about her first true love and the moment they'd meet.

She never thought it'd be with a ghost.

Let's get something straight. Belle's not. In all seriousness, Belle hasn't quite figured out her feelings for Reggie. She knows she likes him. A lot. He's quite her type; dark hair, handsome, smart... handsome.

For the past six years of her life, she's been dreaming of meeting the perfect person and instantly knowing that they're the one. But, Reggie's the first person she's ever felt like this for. Maybe Belle's life isn't cut out for fairytales.

Maybe she's meant to fall in love with someone she can never have.

Laying down in Flynn's outside hammock, at eleven-thirty PM, was Isabelle Molina. She laid in a ball, confused. Once she was sure that both girls had fallen asleep, she snuck out to get lost in her thoughts. That was about two hours ago.

Since then, she's been thinking about Reggie. Nothing but Reggie. And a little about her brother, but mostly Reggie and how mad she was at him. She couldn't believe he'd stand her and Julie up on their big night. Their first official performance as a band, and they stood them up.

She might have expected this from Luke, but from Reggie and Alex? Especially after she and Alex had just had their conversation about how they would always be there and do anything for each other. Belle didn't know how to feel. Sad? Disappointed? Confused?

Why did her mom send the boys to them in the first place? To help them? But if it were to help them, why would she send such irresponsible ghosts? Did she know them? She couldn't have, they said they never met her. Why would they lie?

As all of these thought raced through Belle's head, they suddenly stopped. Why was she overthinking everything? Everything would be fine. They would go home and make up with the boys, and everything would go back to normal. Unless it doesn't. Her thoughts were interrupted by the alarm on her phone going off that she set just days before.

It's midnight. Belle sighed, grabbing her book bag and pulling out a paper bag. She opened the paper bag and pulled out a cupcake. She carefully set the cupcake down while pulling both a lighter, and a birthday candle from her bag. The girl stuck the candle in the cupcake before lighting it.

"Happy birthday, brother. Since you can't celebrate, I'll celebrate for you." In one breath, she blew out the candle. She pulled out an envelope from her bag. Ever since the guys came into their lives, she made sure to keep this in her bag instead of her dream box. She gently pulled the paper out of the envelope and unfolded it.

'From Mom', it read. Belle had never heard such a lie. This letter came from the woman who gave birth to her and put her up for adoption. As she read the letter, she found herself rereading the same sentence over and over. She found herself rereading the same sentence over and over.

'I guess I should tell you, you have a half-brother. I wouldn't try looking for him if I were you, he hasn't been home for a while. He's staying with friends, ever since we found out he's gay. Anyway, I guess you'll want to know some things about him. He's a bright kid, just a little confused, clearly.'

Belle's breath caught in the back of her throat as she heard a twig snap somewhere behind her. She turned and watched for a couple of minutes, but there was nothing there. 'He loves to listen to music, he talks a lot, that kids got some lungs on him. He used to just run around in his underwear as a toddler, until he discovered hoodies. He lived in hoodies. Now a days, he's really into ripped jeans and he wears necklaces. He would be a real lady magnet, if he didn't like guys. Anyway, now that I've given you closure, I should go. Also, here's a bracelet of his, he left it here so I guess he won't be wearing it anyway. Bye, love mom.'

"Closure." Belle breathed out, rolling her eyes. She packed all of her stuff back into her bag as she sighed, walking back into the house. She remembered the twig snapping earlier and made sure to lock the door behind her.

As Belle fell asleep that night, she wondered, how can you miss someone you've never met?

TWO GHOSTS│REGGIE PETERSWhere stories live. Discover now