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you know the drill, this is not edited :))
also a huge fucking thanku to aaliyah (@gasliiiightx on tiktok) for helping me w this and telling me to stop complaining.

enjoy :))

"What's so funny?" Harry scoffed, looking at Ron who had just nudged him. He was laughing with Neville. Harry took a sip of the pumpkin juice in front of him, noticing how Hermione was eyeing the two immature lads in their company.

"Just you n that bird you ran into yesterday." Harry's jaw tensed slightly as Ron nodded laughed. "Neville here fancies a go at her don't you Nev- owe! Fuck Hermione bloody hell." Ron bent down to rub the shin Hermione had obviously kicked.

"Don't call her a bird Ronald, it's disrespectful. She's a person for godsake." The witch rolled her eyes at her boyfriend, still smirking at Neville who blushed at Ron's remark. "Besides, be rude of him considering Harry's taken a shining to her." Hermione chuckled as she dug into her dinner.


"How do you know about that anyways?" Harry hissed at Hermione who went to answer before she was interrupted by Ron.

"It was the middle of the bloody hallway mate. People noticed."

Harry kept quiet, wanting to refrain from coming across as annoyed by a simple bit of banter. But he was annoyed. Of course at his mate's comments but also the undeniable fact that they were right. Though Harry wouldn't have described it as taking a shining to Valarie. It was more like an obsession he wanted to kick. An intrigue he couldn't shake. She was fucking infuriating but she apparently couldn't and wouldn't stay the fuck away from him. And Harry was also annoyed at the part of him that knew he didn't want her to. The part that welcomed his new outlet.

Before the delightful subject matter could have been discussed any further, the group was interrupted by Ginny and Luna who sat beside Hermione, across from Harry. Ginny gave him a weak smile in an attempt of politeness, one that Harry chose to ignore. She was just another person taking pity on him. The normal Ginny would've been an outright bitch to him with the way he was treating her. But Ginny had gone soft with him. She had been wary of Harry since the battle, cutting him some slack. Slack that Harry didn't need cutting. People were too bloody nice to him when he knew he was nothing but a constant dickhead, a constant negative energy that they chose to tolerate in order to keep him around. It'd be easier if they'd shut him out like he did them.

So Harry left before he could be asked any more questions by his classmates. He wasn't one for mindless chatter. Especially not the awkward kind.

He walked through the halls even after the bell signifying the end of lunch had sounded. There were few people around, the halls quieter than usual, leaving Harry with the realisation that his head was definitely and undoubtedly fucked. He couldn't think straight because of her, their encounters playing on repeat like a broken record in his mind. Valerie was like a bloody infection, seeping through his skin and into his blood. Tainting him. His own personal dark mark. When he closed his eyes, he saw hers, taunting him as they always did. He saw that same lust filled gaze she gave him as he had his hands wrapped around her neck, daring him to lose all control. Harry knew he needed a new outlet for his anger. And perhaps this witch could be just that. It was certain she'd be damn happy to be one for him, that much was obvious.

But not only could he not be rid of her mentally, he saw her everywhere too. In the great hall, the corridors, the bloody library. The girl was everywhere he was. So when he turned the next corner to see her leaning against a wall talking to someone, he was far from surprised, She had that same fucking smirk she always had on her face. The one that told you she knew shit you didn't. The one Harry wanted so desperately to wipe off.

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