Chapter 13: My Willow

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Ellis started to walk away. 

"NO!" I shouted. "You started this war the second you became president."

"Alas,"Ellis sighed, "if that's what you think, how about we finish it?"

I glanced to Mom and she nodded. We could not let Ellis go.

Seeing are small exchange, he laughed.

"Well,  just remember, Aaron, their deaths," he motioned around the room, will be all because of you."

Ellis continued his walk towards the door, while his army charged. 

"Aaron," Teagan whispered to me, not taking her eyes of of the mob of 'heroes', "when you get Ellis, make him pay for me,"

I wove through the attackers. I was almost to the door, when I was slammed to the ground by a stone fist. I instantly recognized the attacker as, Olympus. His, gift turned him into a rock giant and was very useful in combat.  

The stony giant punched again, but I narrowly dodged his blow. The floor shattered as fist made contact with it. 

I dodged a few more blows and landed a few of my own. All of the hits I landed with my gift had done nothing. He still stood there like, well, a stone. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ellis slip out the door, practically unfazed. If he got away, all of this would be for nothing. 

Right before Olympus delivered another crushing blow, I shot out a jet of air so powerful that it blew him halfway across the room. 

I continued my chase after Ellis. I narrowly dodged an attack from Chameleon, who was using Mom's gift of shooting lasers from her fingers. Her blue pixie cut was now Mom's shade of red, a sign that she was using Mom's gift. She lunged at me but Glaze stopped her just in time.

"I'm not letting you get away this time!" They yelled. Glaze had been one of the CLAW agents helping at the gala. Chameleon pounded at the invisible cage they had  trapped her in. 

I slid under someones legs, and into the entrance hall. Ellis was calmly down the marble hallway, to the exit. 

"ELLIS!" I yelled, propelling myself toward him. 

I was about 5 feet behind him when heard him, calmly say, "I wouldn't do that if I were you,"

I stopped immediately. 

"See, that wasn't so hard, now was it?" Ellis purred.

Why was I stopping? He was within reach I could grab him, but my conscience told me not to, It told me stay. Was there even a need to stop Ellis? What was the harm if he got away? 

"It doesn't seem like you even want to lay a finger on me, let alone stop me," Ellis walked around me.

"That's not true! You have hurt my family enough! I want to tear you apart" I growled.

"You don't even know the half of it," he laughed "and, 'tear me apart?' that doesn't sound  heroic at all, does it?"

He bent down so that we were face to face.

"People are so easy to influence when they are already blinded by anger,"

"Anyway, I best be on my way, I don't need any of your friends coming to your aid and actually being able to beat me. You are so much easier to frame than your dear old dad."

It was all his fault. Ellis had framed Dad 9 months ago. Without him, my family would still be together.

I tried to break whatever control he had over me, but my areokinesis wasn't strong enough to break the trance. I needed a heavy blow.

Ellis was almost out the door when something snapped. 

My eyes burned red. Heat burned across my skin. Ellis would not get away. 

Fire leapt from my hands and slithered towards the exit, surrounding Ellis.

"Hmm, not bad," Ellis sighed.

I let go of all control, wave after wave of fire shot from my hands. Soon half the building around us was a blazing inferno. 

Ellis' dark hair was falling into his face and his emerald eyes met mine.

"You're even more of a mad man than me!" He laughed, "at least I fight for a reason. 

"You are right to think that almost everything I said in there was made up, but not Willow. Did Ms. Teagan Cassidy ever tell you how her friend killed her parents? Sure, the boy was fighting for his life, but like you, he let his gift get out of hand, he brought the whole building down on him and everyone there. including, my Willow. That is why CLAW must fall, along with everyone else with these gifts. Innocent people, even children die at their hands." 

The flames covering me died down, as I realized he was right. I was out of control. Everyone still in the court room would die with me if I kept this up.

"I'm sorry," Is all I could mange to mummer.

"No, you're not. I cared about one person and KILLED HER! So, go ahead, finish me off. Let the whole world know how horrible I was. But, let me, please, be with my Willow."

He grabbed my wrist and held my hand in front of his face. I could tell he was far past his breaking point. He was insane.

"DO IT!" He screamed. " Let. Me. Be. With. My. Willow."

Tears streamed down his face. His ebony hair hung, almost covering his eyes.



The bullet when straight through my chest. 

Ellis had pulled a gun behind my back and shot both of us 

"Ha! See, I won!" 

Ellis fell backwards, closing his eyes for good.

His lifeless face smiled back at me, reminding me it would soon be my fate as well.

I could hear the fight still going on in the court room. I heard footsteps and someone yelling my name. I wanted to run to them or at least cry out for help. instead, I sank from my knees to my back. I looked up at the scorched, ceiling. Would this be the last thing I ever see? The last breath I ever take?   

My mission to heal my family had failed. Mom and Dad now had another chance, but me? In a matter of minuets, I would be gone.

Finally, the people who had called for me found me, bleeding all over the ashes and rubble that I had caused. I only caught a few words, until Mom's face came into view.

"Y-you're gonna be o-ok Aaron. Do you hear me? We will get out of here alive." Tears swarmed her eyes and she choked over her words.

Sirens filled the air as police, firemen and medical personnel started to swarm the building. 

Mom stepped aside, as Teagan knelt next to me. 

"Remember me," I choked out. "when I'm gone,"

"Shut up right now. You are not dying  on me."

Her dark, curly hair was strewn across her round face.

I shook my head, I wasn't that dumb.

"Promise me you'll remember."

"Now, until the world ends."


Hellooooo, lovely humans! While this chapter might've hurt to read, I was increadibly fun to come up with a few more 'heroes/villains' or to at least get to give them gifts. Comment down below who your favorite 'hero/villain' is! And no! This is not the end! I am not that cruel.......or am I hehehe. Anyway, stay tuned for the finale!! As always make sure to vote! 

love y'all!

- ALG <3

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