Laying Down the Ground Work

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-ERROR: Welcome to the UA chatroom, where all the dumb shit happens

LordExplosionMurder: You swear more than me

CupidsPet: You really have a one track mind, don't you, Bakugo?

LordExplosionMurder: Shut up

-ERROR: I think he needs help

BrocoliBoi: I think he's fine just the way he is

-ERROR: Midoriya, you're way too forgiving.

BrocoliBoi: I thought I told you you could call me Deku

-ERROR: I just enjoy saying Izuku and Midoriya. It's got a nice ring to it!

FlowerGirl: Are you really sure people won't immediately think you're weak after hearing your name?

CupidsPet: You need to work on your phrasing, Hanaki

BrocoliBoi: I like it

CoffeeCreamer: You spelled "broccoli" wrong

-ERROR: It's a logic leap, but I like it

CoffeeCreamer: What?

CupidsPet: Coffee creamer looool

LordExplosionMurder: I don't get it

FlowerGirl: Half red, half white (half hot, half cold) -> half and half -> coffee creamer

-ERROR: Like I said, logic leap

Charger: Is he really that dumb?

BroccoliBoi: That's not very nice!

LordExplosionMurder: WHAT DID YOU SAY, EXTRA

CoffeeCreamer: He fixed it

RockHard: Come on, Bakugo isn't that dumb!

FlowerGirl: Pff-


RockHard: What?

FlowerGirl: YOUR NAME

RockHard: What about it

-ERROR: Don't tell him

CupidsPet: Leave him be

LordExplosionMurder: Don't ruin his innocence

RockHard: Am I missing something?

Grapes: I guess I'll store my Midnight pictures here

-ERROR: As long as you don't drool all over it

MidnightSun: If you send pics of my mother, I will string you up and hang you upside down from a tree.

MidnightSun: And I implore you delete those pictures right now, before you fall asleep and wake up somewhere unfamiliar.

Starlight: Could you be any scarier?

MidnightSun: But of course

Starlight: Please don't

-ERROR: I managed to sneak some photos of some of the students if you'd like to see that, Mineta?

Grapes: Please, send them



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