Chapter 3

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Alistair made his way through the forest, using his Warden senses to find Lyna. He hadn't gone very far in when he could sense the taint in her blood ahead and to the left. Carefully, he headed in that direction. Knowing that this was the area that Lyna and Zevran had scouted he was fairly sure that it was Lyna he could sense and not Darkspawn. Though with my luck of late I wouldn't be surprised if it were Darkspawn. He thought wryly.

The night sky was clear of clouds and a near full moon shone down through the canopy of trees making it easy for Alistair to see where he was going, though nothing could prepare him for the view he found entered a small clearing. There, sat perched on a fallen tree, her long honey brown hair, looking tinted silver by the moonlight, in a braid down her back, sat Lyna. She was facing away from him but he could imagine a few wisps of hair framing her delicate features. Even knowing that she would be aware of his presence, the warrior still made a point of rustling some dried leaves with his foot as he moved forward. Alistair had never been good with words so it was no surprise when he couldn't think of what to say.

"I'm sorry". Lyna was the first to break the silence, her voice sad and heavy.

"For what?" Alistair asked, surprised and confused. He couldn't understand why Lyna felt the need to apologize.

"I should not have said what I did." the Elf said as she hung her head in shame. "I knew that by putting you forward as King we would not be able to stay together but I did so anyway. Ferelden needs you and I..... I cannot be selfish" she finished, still facing away from him. Hearing her explain herself in such a sad and desperate tone, Alistair moved towards her. "You did not deserve the words I said. You have been nothing but true with your feelings and have supported me through the many challenges we have faced and I threw it all in your face. I should not have......."

Alistair couldn't bare to hear her berate herself so silenced her in the only way he ever could. Stopping directly in front of her he cupped her cheek in his warm calloused hand and guided her face close to his. The feeling of her lips on his was something he couldn't describe and never wanted to end.


Lyna had planned to be calm, but upon sensing Alistair enter the clearing she couldn't stop apologizing. She felt truly awful about what she had said, knowing he didn't really deserve it. Suddenly she found herself unable to speak as Alistair's lips sealed over hers. The kiss started slow and gentle but soon, due to time apart and intense longing for each other, it became much more intense. Alistair's lips were insistent and Lyna felt as though a fire were being lit within her very soul. By the time they parted for air the warrior had pulled the rogue tightly against him and one hand had found it's way into her hair whilst her hands had made their way around his neck. She was on her toes being supported by Alistair's other arm around her waist.

Glancing up at his eyes she noticed a twinkle and a smirk gracing his handsome face. Feeling a matching smirk on her own face she let out a small giggle.

"It's a shame we're in our armour." Alistair said, his voice low and husky, laced heavily with passion and slight humour as he added "Or at least that I'm in armour". His eyes roving over her body daringly, taking in the Dalish armour that she had chosen to wear. The short armoured leather skirt revealing her tanned, lightly muscular legs with the armoured leather chest piece revealing her well toned midsection and arms.

Playfully she hit him on the shoulder, then realising their compromising position, she tried to disentangle herself from him but found his arm holding her even tighter against him.

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