chapter 2. stupid big fat idiot loser idiot rat face fuckers

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i started my shift at the cute little maid cafe shop that i work at in paris. things were going smoothly, but my stupid idiot coworkers, babima, and barah were really starting to grind my gears. they were being so so mean to me and babima kept trying to take my shifts away, im being discriminated against. i felt super duper sad, maybe even depressed but my shift was ending soon so i was happy. as i was cleaning off a table i hear a nasty little british voice behind me 

"ello love, you got any tea and crumpets?" i turn around and its none other than, famous singer Harry styles! I gasped loudly and almost dropped the mug i was holding 

"jy-y-y-y-y-yes we do mr styles, please sit over here and ill be sure to meet your needs in a moment!" i hurry to go make his tea, he goes to his table and sits down. he was so sexy. 

"heres your tea and crumpet, please let me know if you need anything else" i set down his order with shaky hands, he looks at me and smiles and began to drink his tea, i realize i shouldve walked away by now but i was so in awe by this sexy british man

"this tea is horrid!" he yelled in his sexy british accent and through the tea across the room and spat in my face, i opened my mouth to catch some of it. 

"w-w-w-w-w-what do you mean?" i ask flustered

"im just joking, i just wanted to make a scene, i hope i didnt scare you kitten. sometimes i just need attention." he said shyly as he smirked and bit his bottom lip and rubbed the back of his neck in a super sexy kind of way. 

"oh, i-i totally get it, my names nella by the way, no need to call me kitten." i say, avoiding eye contact. he chuckled. 

"no, youre my kitten, youll always be kitten to me. btw whats your discord? mines harrystyler#1369" he said handing me his phone, the app discord opened. i blushed and added myself. i cant believe im harry styles discord kitten! this is a dream come true!! he smiled at me and  asked for my age

"im 18, why do you ask?" i chirp 

"oh, well, if you were a minor, we wouldnt be able to be together so i was gonna offer to adopt you alongside the rest of the band cause me and the band are all still together and  never broke up. but since youre 18, you can work for me and be one of my own personal backup dancers!" he explained. my face flushed, my heart sank, my palms got sweaty just like eminem said they would. me, a backup dancer for harry fricking styles?! no way!! my life is so cool and awesome and great adn perfect. but what about adrien? what if he comes back here to see me and get coffee from me and im not here in paris cause im with harry potter in the british lands or somehwere else? i dont know, i need to think about this. 

"i need to think about it and talk to my cat first." i said he nodded 

"i understand" he said and took a bite out of his crumpet

"GET OVER HERE AND CLEAN UP THIS TEA YOU USELESS WHORE RAT FACED IDIOT BUTT MUNCHING FRICK HEAD IDIOT MORON!!" Babima yelled from across the cafe, i quickly ran to clean lick it all up and she walked over to harry styles and they started talking. i felt jealous as i heard them laugh and flirt, it was then that i got an idea. 

later that night

i got home and went to the roof of my paris apartment building and turned on the cat signal, soon enough adrien came running in his tight little black suit and cat ears. 

"what do you need??" he asked concerned

"i need to kill this stupid bitch at my job named babima, shes the schedule manager and a real meany, and she tried taking harry styles away from me!" i explain, his face dropped as i mentioned harry styles

"h-harry styles..? what do you mean take him away from you? are you together?" he asled worry clear in his voice

"well... were not together... that all really doesnt matter. point is, shes super mean to me and i cant do this anymore. but its fine. i knew you wouldnt understand. i guess ill just get made fun of for the rest of my life and end up killing myself from all the bullying. thanks anyways." i pout and walk away

"n-no stop. ill help." he said softly as he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him.

cafe worker nellaWhere stories live. Discover now