Lucky Number Six

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I parked in my usual spot and turned the car off. I unbuckled my seatbelt as I raced to get out, glancing at the clock before slamming the door of the old blue, piece of junk that Dad gave me for my 17th birthday last year. It was 6:30 PM, which meant I was 15 minutes late. I ran towards the large brick building, my chest burning from the cool air that filled my lungs with every hasty step. I burst open the door only to see Gusto at the hostess stand, so red faced that it seemed to spread all the way to his bald spot. It didn't alarm me though, he's usually always mad about something.
With his deep, Italian accent he remarked, "You late again kid, strike five!"
"Sorry, car troubles again. You know that my-"
"Zzzsh!" He made a gesture with his hands, like he was capturing all my meaningless words. "Next time, I call your mama!"
I don't think Gusto understands the concept of "strikes". You know, usually after three "you're out", but considering he's never been to a baseball game, I'm guessing five is a reasonable number.
I nodded my head and swiftly ran into the kitchen which ended up looking more like a dog trying to walk on it's hind legs by how many tables I had attempted to dodge on my way back. I fastened my black, waiter apron around my unfortunately, underdeveloped body and adjusted my clip-on bow-tie which sat on my white collar with a row of shiny, silver buttons leading all the way down. I raced back to Gusto at the stand as he began to simmer down. He whispered as if daggers shot through his words,
"Table six, rapidamente!"
With a slight push from old Gusto, I began a brisk walk over to the lucky couple at table six. Pushing up my thick, dark blue glasses that now sat at the bridge of my nose from the sprint, I attempted to calm my worked up nerves from Gusto's usual intimidation. Closing my eyes, I said with a smile,
"Hi. Welcome to The Brick Oven. How may I-"
I abruptly opened my eyes to see a warm, big, blue gaze. I froze. Could it be? No...
The all too familiar blond haired beauty said with a slight giggle,
"You don't remember me?"
I couldn't respond. Correction: I didn't know how to respond. My mouth was pried open by the sheer weight of shock and I'm pretty sure I made some incredibly awkward moaning sounds in the process. I just thought I'd never would see her again. Coraline. Coraline Smith. Smart, beautiful, Coraline Smith who had lived a house down from me. I was only eight at the time, but the moment I saw her, I knew she was the dream. I remember her standing on my green lawn, in her light blue overalls and long, golden hair that was nicely clipped back with a plastic purple flower. We'd ride the bus home together everyday, we sat together at lunch, played pretend in her backyard and no matter where I was or what I was doing, she'd be right by my side. We were inseparable. So you can imagine how I felt at 14 when Coraline's family moved away because of her dad's job. Looking at her now, she a little different. Of course, six years will do that to a person! Her long, golden locks had been snipped just above her shoulders and her eyes had dark makeup circling them.
My flashback was interrupted by a deep, slightly whiny voice,
"Cor, you know this guy?
"Oh yeah, right. Derek this is Nathan, Nathan this is Derek. Nathan and I lived next to each other for a couple years.
I have no idea why but I blurted out,
"Why are you here?"
I was like a zombie. I had shouted with a blank stare and no emotion. It's like I couldn't control how I said my words because they were in such desperate need to come out.
She looked a little disturbed by my recent outburst for a moment, but shook it off and sweetly responded, "After I moved to Iowa, my Dad quit his job to start up his own business somewhere. He said we could move anywhere I want and I chose to come ba -"
"We're here on a date." Derek said as he put his monkey arm around Coraline, as if he was oblivious the conversation.
"A first date."
"First of many", Snarky Derek added without hesitation.
Derek. Psh, Really Coraline? Really? Oh I'm sorry, or should I say "Cor"? I mean, what does she see in him? Okay yes, he's ripped and yes, he looks like he just walked out of a GQ magazine, and yes his head is proportionate to his body. Ugh- OKAY, he's "gorgeous". But he's not Coraline's type. I mean look at him in that letterman's jacket, leaning back on his chair, like he's got is ducks all in a row.
"So we gonna eat or what?"
I was trying to control my temper as my words slipped through my teeth, "....Sure. What will it be for you sir?"
"I'll have a double bacon burger with some pizza fries and a Coke."
"Okay and how would you-"
"-Well done. Just like me." He turns to Coraline and laughs in the most obnoxious way possible.
"Oh my.... Okay, and for the lady?"
"-She'll have a salad."
"Excuse me, I asked Coraline...not you."
"Um.. I'll have the personal pizza"
"Babe, the salad is cheaper, just get that."
"But... I'm kind of hungry"
"C'mon! I didn't think you'd want more than a-"
"-I got it, it's on the house tonight."
"Ahaha, no. Just the lady's."
I walked away before the meathead could squeeze in another word. I felt horrible for Coraline. She doesn't deserve someone who is going to treat her like that. Derek was an embarrassing, egotistical, butt-wipe who obviously is going to marry some air-head trophy-wife whose only goal in life is to pop as many football- throwing babies that is physically possible until they overpopulate and take the world, but that's just yet another apocalyptic theory. I think all of this over as I'm filling up Derek's Coke. It took every ounce of my good conscience to make me resist hocking a big loogie right in the bubbling brown liquid.
I walk over with my waiter try, with the Coke and water sitting on top. I'm not going to lie, I was trying to impress Coraline with my fanciness, waiting on her like the princess she is. This tactic probably would of worked too if the tray wasn't blocking my vision so much that I could see the chair in the middle my path. I was halfway there when chair caught my legs. I was walking so fast to get to Coraline that absolutely the drinks, the trey, me and even the chair toppled over. Why. Why me? Why today? Why now?!
Embarrassed and probably a little bruised, I look up to see Coraline.
I don't even think Derek noticed Coraline run over to help me due to the fact his eyes were glued to his phone.
I look to the left as Coraline runs over, I glance to my left to see Gusto's hands holding his red, shaking head.
"Nathan oh my gosh are you okay?"
Coraline attempts to get me to my feet.
"Yeah. I guess. Are you okay?"
As she collects the glass that's rolled under one of the dark wooden chairs, she says under her breath, "...No"
"Why not? Derek seems like a great guy."
She shoots me a look.
"Believe me, It wasn't my choice. It was a blind date. My friend Cathy is on cheerleading team and set me up with Derek. She just wanted me to move on with my life."
"Move on from what?"
"Uh....well, actually it's kind of funny you ask."
I reach for the tray on the other side of the fallen chair.
"Why is that?"
With a nervous look on her face, she giggles a little, " Um... well, after I move, I typically don't miss much because I've gotten used to it, but I've...I've- I- I missed you, Nathan. I hope you don't see me in a weird way after I say this but, I care about you a lot and I never thought I'd see you again since I changed schools and so much time has passed and-"
"-Me too."
"You were all I thought about for the longest time. I missed you too. I care about you a lot, too!"
I stand the chair back up.
"You want to ditch this date?"
I take Coraline by the hand. We pass Derek's table on the way to the kitchen.Derek is still preoccupied with his phone, probably looking at his hair with the camera. I take the burger and fries and box them all up and run with Coraline in hand.
"You suck!"
Derek's head pops up as I shout the comment to him. I probably could of come up with a better insult, but consider that it was on the spot and I didn't have much time to say it... plus it just felt so right!
We bolt past the hostess stand.
"Strike six!!"
Coraline and I hop into my midnight blue, asthmatic, stallion.
"Where are we going?"
You'll see. I promise you'll like it."
I pulled into the parking lot of the preserve. I grabbed my plaid blanket which serves as the in heating in my car, as we walked into the clearing of the tiny-tree'd forest. Coraline and I laid down on our backs for the rest of the night eating out half of the burger and cold pizza fries as we caught up with each other as we star gazed. This was the dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2015 ⏰

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