Movie Night - Edi's POV

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      Since the beginning of the quarantine, me and my friend Aszik had nothing better to do than watch movies and play games all day. All the movies on TV were alike, and online platforms weren’t different either. Luckily, the announcement of a new cinematic movie premiering this week made us, and others, very excited.

    -Do we need anything else for Movie Night?

    -Well, we could use some snacks. Is the shop still open?, Aszik asked.

    - It should be. It’s not that late.

    -Then we should go, we don’t wanna watch the movie on an empty stomach, do we?,said Aszik, chuckling.

    -Ok, I’ll take my hoodie and I’ll be waiting for you outsie.

    -Don’t forget your wallet!

    - I won’t, trust me.

    Once my friend was ready, we were on our way. Some time later, I asked:

    -Its getting kinda cloudy outside, we should hurry.

    -And you’re telling me you’re scared of some droplets falling from the sky? I thought polar bears liked water, said Aszik, mockingly.


    Once we arrived at the store, we started looking for chips, crackers and some sweets. I also grabbed some juice because Aszik always drinks it all by himself.   

    I left Aszik at the counter while i was getting a cup of coffe from the coffe machine. When I looked through the window, I saw some water drops on the glass, then I heard the thunder.

    -Oh god, I expected a rain, not a thunderstorm…

    I got my coffe and ran to the counter, to find out Aszik was on his phone. He didn't even notice the thunder.

    -Hey! Haven’t you heard a thing? Its raining!


    And then, it started raining more heavily. The droplets hitting the window started getting bigger and bigger, and the wind was blowing stronger. Some trashcans even got pushed down.

    -Come on, we gotta go now.

    -But It’s rainin-

    -Oh, excuse me, but I didn’t think humans were scared of thunderstorms.

    -I kinda deserved that, yeah…

    I paid for our snacks and grabbed Aszik. At least I brought an umbrella. However, it wasn’t that useful. As I opened it, the wind ripped it apart.


    We were running home, but the unexpected happened. Aszik fell, and couldn’t get up.

    -Are you ok? I asked

    -My ankle, ah, Aszik said in pain.

    I took my hoodie off, gave it to him, grabbed him, put him on my back and I started running home.

    After an excruciating journey, I got home and put Aszik on the couch. I went and grabbed him a towel from the bathroom. Then, i grabbed some bandages and wrapped them on his ankle.

    -Im gonna go dry my fur. You stay here ok?


    After drying my fur for like 20 minutes, I went back to check on Aszik. He was still on the couch, but he was whining in pain. I went to the kitchen and made some hot chocolate.

    -Here, take this, it’ll make you feel better.


     -Hey, take it like this, we’re safe home, and just in time for the movie!

     -Yeah, you're right. I should've listened to you and hurried..

      -Let's forget about that. The movie is starting!

          We stated watching the movie and eating our snacks. Aszik Might've caught a cold, because he sai he was cold. So, I took him in my arms and held him tight for the rest of the movie. After the movie ended, we went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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