Chapter 5

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︎ © 2015 Beth1976
All Rights Reserved

Chapter 5

Paris was so relieved that he gave her the freedom to go home. She had a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach when he let her go though. Aiden never did anything for nothing. She was beginning to worry as the reason why he would let her go.

He was not the most accommodating man, never was, her feelings never overly mattered to him. She still did not understand why he even wanted her around, he seemed so over having her in his face.

Paris tried her best to keep herself out of his way, unless he needed something she was avoiding him. It was actually getting on her nerves a little bit. How she was easily discarded. Like she did not matter at all. Fucking son of a bitch.

She tried to explain to her father that she needed to do this, it was sort of healing her, not really but what else could she really say, her father was not happy but did not push her to do anything.

Elisa her stepmother was back in Europe, ever since the whole Aiden incident she did not feel safe around Paris. Which was understandable, she knew also that Aiden was not fully done with Paris.

It had been five hours and no sign of Aiden, she began to think he was not coming back for her. Paris had packed her clothes and showered and changed thinking he might show up. He did not call nor did he show up.

She wanted to cry suddenly, the asshole did it to her again. She was over this fucking life. He was forever just fucking her up and discarding her. No more.

It took a week before Paris's anger fully surfaced. How could she allow him to do this time and time again to her. How the fuck was it possible for him to continue to hurt her and her to allow him access to her heart.

Not caring any more, Paris made her own way over to the fucker's house. She knocked on the door before her bravado left her. Nothing would shock her more than Chloe opening the door. Paris's mouth dropped.

Aiden came behind Chloe to see who it was and had no shirt on, his jeans unbuttoned...they were together. Finding it extremely hard to breathe Paris turned and walked away. She needed to get to her car.

He was fucking Chloe...Poor Elijah...oh god...The moment Aiden grabbed her arm and turned her around she threw a punch at him. He cursed. "Enough" he said shoving her away.

"Fuck you" she cried going in to attack again. He grabbed her around her waist and threw her onto the hard cemented floor. She heard Chloe gasp.

"Take it easy you jerk...fuck"

"Chloe stay the fuck where you are" She heard Aiden say, his voice holding no room for argument. Paris managed to get up, she wiped her tears, her face now all dusty, she looked at them both and decided on just going home. If they wanted to be together by all means let them be together.

"Paris, it is so not what you think honey, can I just explain" Chloe said trying to make her way over to her.

"No, Chloe get the fuck inside" Aiden sounded like he was losing his shit. Paris for once did not care, she was so hurt, by Chloe more than by Aiden. Aiden was a son of a bitch, would not be the first time he fucked around on her.

In reality, they were not even an item...they were just a fucked up situation. Paris tried to compose herself, she swallowed hard and once again moved to return to her car. "Chloe get the fuck inside!" he yelled.

Chloe actually surprised her by doing just that. Paris did not want to talk to him, nor did she want to be anywhere near him. She made it to her car, opening the door only to have him slam it shut. Not really thinking Paris shoved him away from her hard.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2016 ⏰

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