Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Rosalina Nishijima

Ionia had been spinning round in circles for around half an hour and Blanky had been sat watching her with a smile on her face. They had been in Birkin's lab for quite some time and had grown bored since Birkin had stepped out to do some chores.

"Here. Have a spinning chair instead!" Blanky whelled over one of Birkin's office chairs and Ionia's eyes lit up. She dived onto it and began spinning round and round like a mad woman.

"Turbo come and try this, you buttface!" Ionia called for Turbo who was in the bathroom to come and join in the fun.

Blanky raised a brow. "Buttface?"

"Mmmmhmmm Turbo is a buttface."

"Oh... My god." Blanky just couldn't help but laugh at the nickname and was still laughing when Turbo wandered back in. He gave her an odd look before turning to face Ionia.

"Whath her problem?"

"BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Heyo buttface!"


Ionia pointed as she continued to spin on the chair and nearly knocked Birkin, who was just entering the room again, off his feet. "Yooou, Turbutt!"

"How DARE you make fun of the greatetht rather ever? Don't you know who I am?"

"Take it easy, Turbutt...I mean! I mean Turbo." Blanky stifled giggles with her hand. She couldn't help it, the words just seemed to fall from her mouth.

Turbo stomped up to Blanky with a menacing look on his face and snorted. "What did you call me?"

"Tu... Turb... TURBUTT!"

Turbo launched himself at the officer and proceeded to try and strangle her in his rage, but was drastically unsuccessful.
Blanky giggled. "Hey, get off!"

"Hey, hey, hey. Easy."  Birkin made his way over with a deadpan expression and grabbed him by his collar, lifting him up.

"But, the wath mocking me!"

He looked down at the small racer and heaved a sigh. "You sure have a temper on you for the supposed hero of your game."

Blanky brushed herself off and thanked Birkin. "Thanks. I appreciate that. I thought I was gonna die from laughter."

Turbo snorted and folded his arms. "Never underethtimate me becauthe of my thithe. Everyone hath it in for me, alwayth making fun of me. Well, I've had enough."

"Come on Turbo, we were only having some fun." Blanky smiled at him sympathetically and sipped on a glass of water to ease her coughing fit that had been brought on by the laughter.

Turbo gave her a dark look in return and mumbled something under his breath.

"Well, that's not very heroic of you." Birkin chuckled over just how personal Turbo was taking everything and couldn't help but wonder just what sort of a character he had been coded as.

"We didn't mean to hurt you, right Ionia?" Blanky gestured for Ionia to help them try and appease Turbo's temper and watched as the blue woman made her way over to him and tickled his belly as Birkin kept a firm grip on his racing suit collar.

"Aww, likkul babbeh!"

"Thtop that!" Turbo writhed as she tickled him, his face growing more red by the second. "THTOP! I THAID THTOP, YOU WRETCHED WOMAN!" He reached out in an attempt to punch Ionia away from him, but failed and just ended up looking ridiculous.

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