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I step out

onto the fresh field

the field that will soon

be a field no more

instead a graveyard

for many

not a field

but a sponge

to soak the blood of the dead

they step out as well

guns cocked and ready

bravery and pride in their eyes

fear shadowed in their hearts

then without a sound

it begins

not an organized battle

but a massacre

a chorus of murder



I take my aim

the opposite side transform

from humans

to targets





finger jerks

shoulder jerks

heart jerks

his body jerks

blood quick to blossom

I waste no time

setting my sights

on another careless


the target has found me

we point and shoot

no ammo

knives are drawn

a fight to the death

as it has been

since primitive times

savagely we fight

instincts from long ago

moving our muscles




he has me by the arms

and moves to plunge

the dagger

I strike twice as fast

slicing the pale flesh of his throat

his adam's apple bobs once

then the liquid pours

a scarlet shower

I look around

to see the same

but things have changed

for in our eyes

there is no more bravery

no more pride

nothing but a dark shade

of bloodlust.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2011 ⏰

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