Chapter 2: The Wrong Time (but right place)

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When it comes to family and friends, I see to it that I have time with my family however there are times that my friends ask me to meet them in which they are those who I haven't seen for a while so I still want to make time with them. At times I also wonder how come I have to have as many friends as I have right now. Regardless, I am just thankful for they are those I can rely on whenever I needed to. I am not just boxing out my outside work friends and as I have mentioned earlier, I have created a little family in the workplace and not to mention, they have also contributed big support on me when I was on my lowest moments. In life, there are those who you can call your friends and your family friends (or closer friends). I am implying that not all friends (you call friends) will be with you at all times.

Moments come when we fail to choose the right decision in life (but what we are not yet aware of is that there are reasons behind as to why we made those decisions). What I want to say is that those friends we can really call friends would be there with you in times like this (dark times and in good times). They could be your second family if you may.

In decision making, a particular example wherein one may find it difficult to make a choice is being in a relationship. Yes yes, there are many people who wanted to be in one (especially these days) but the question is what are their intentions? Most people today are just entering a relationship just because it is in the news (for fame or the worse reason is due to lust). They would like to be in one due to the temptation of the flesh which makes this kind of decision to be harder these days more likely if you are looking for a serious one. I am not saying that this is the main reason as to why some people choose to be single in life but this could be a contributing factor. In my experience, I can safely say that there is a time in my life when there are people who make me special but.... there is a slight complication. This is when the so-called "being in the right place but at the wrong time" comes in.

We really cannot estimate as to when people will come into our lives. Most of them come unexpectedly and there are those who we actually expect to come though they are in a very rare case. They say "people come into our lives for a reason" and that is true but though this is a fact, not all of them come for good reasons and some of them are just part of our lives and they (in one day) will be out of our lives (for reasons you may or may not know yet). The implication of the chapter is that there may come a certain time in your life when you are not ready to be in a relationship and just want to enjoy your life as it is (like being a single) however this is the time when people come into your life to make you special and some of them have intentions or hopes to make your their significant other. Some may just simply say he/she is perfect for you. You like him/her and he/she too" and so you may get the conclusion of just entering a relationship with this person just like that but you can't.

Sounds weird? Well it isn't really if you will think deeper on the scenario. On the earlier entries, I have mentioned that most people these days just wanted to enter a relationship in a fast-paced transition wherein the so-called "courting" will be left out. That is if and only if you are looking for a possible non-serious relationship or both of you have mutual feelings with each other already and an official status is what comes next. But why some people choose not to be in a relationship even though they know that the feelings are mutual or this person will really make him/her so special? The answer lies within each and every person's perspective but one of the most common is due to not being ready.

People who wanted to be in a serious relationship will want to think deeper to know if it is really worth taking the risk entering a relationship (but I'm not saying those who are not are not also serious but they might be just letting their hearts decide). While there are people who prefer not to follow any process in this matter, for some there is a proper process upon entering a relationship wherein the courting comes in. There are still people who find courting being an important part of the relationship as this can also be called as the development stage for both parties. The concept of thinking deeper could have been a cause from a tragic past or a fear of the future. There are those who suffered from brokenness due to love that died out (promises broken) while there are those fearing what may come in the future are those who are afraid to be hurt (again) for they wanted to be in a relationship for a long term or for good with a certain person (you know, the feeling that they wanted to be sure of).

Some people who make us special makes us extra special. Words are not enough to explain as to how this events occur as the only thing that may make an explanation on this is our feelings themselves but as a rough guide, those people who makes you special does things that they don't on any other people or they do extra effort to you like they sacrifice their time or give things to you without any reason. I must admit that those who don't see things as such might be blinded with the reality itself. Assumption may be a contributor on this. There are some people that though they are receiving extra efforts from someone, they do not assume anything with it for the very reason that they don't want to conclude things based on what they may feel. It is true that what we feel is truly right but it could also deceive us in due time. So you must be careful.

There was a time on my life when there are numbers showing me efforts (or extra effort) however I was not ready at that time. They say that enjoying your life as it is is actually good although if you will make opportunities miss, that would be a regret in life. I wanted to say that though a person gives efforts for you (even if they are more than just efforts) or they may sacrifice their own time just to be with you, their intentions are not all the same. In the end, you might have a regret on either ways. Your past might be a factor as to why you don't want to enter a relationship still however this could also be a reason as to why you should be in one. How will you know that he/she is the right person? You may ask your friends, ask guidance from God or just simply ask yourself. Know the person first before you make your final choice.

Though you might be at the right place but on the wrong time that could also be the only right way and time that that person may cross to your life. Not all are given a second chance with the same person.

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