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︎ © 2015 Beth1976
All Rights Reserved


Paris was trying really hard to breathe. Aiden had lost the plot, like seriously lost the plot. He was so hard and unforgiving. Her being at the night club was like the final straw for him. She found that she followed his orders like she was designed solely to meet his demands.

"Up" he ordered her as she sat down looking petrified. It was her birthday, and she wanted to get over whatever fear that still resided in her. Her playing it safe all her life only led her to get kidnapped, raped, tortured, mentally and physically abused and emotionally scarred for life.

Something had snapped in Paris, especially after seeing the way the Chloe handled herself. Chloe who was always getting into so much trouble. Yet she looked at life like an adventure. It was funny because even Aiden the heartless pirate couldn't seem to handle Chloe.

She was a character on her own, lived her life to the fullest, never having much to offer the world except her over the top personality. She was born into nothing and made the most of every single day she lived.

It took Paris a while to see it that way, here Paris was so well off, both in money and health, she was also considered good looking. Yet every day she lived like she had nothing going for her. Money was very available and Paris always felt so guilty to enjoy it.

Alls she wanted to do was be normal, fit in...but after seeing Chloe who was anything but normal she decided it was okay not to fit in. Chloe forced her to talk about Aiden and after finally verbalising what she had been through with him and the fact that she loved him stupid, she woke up to herself.

Pretending her ordeal with Aiden never happened was proving fruitless. Pretending he didn't exist was a total waste of her time, pretending that she was okay was laughable. Nothing was going her way, nothing she did was making what happened to her go away.

All the therapy in the world could not make her talk about Aiden. It took Chloe being brutally honest with her for her to finally speak about her time with him. It kind of helped that Chloe knew Aiden and the fact that she thought he was an asshole. Yet Chloe dealt with Aiden in a very strange way, she did not let him intimidate her, and Aiden intimidated everybody he ever met.

Paris had seen him at his worst, she had been on the receiving end of his wrath. Yes she loved him, and yes she turned him down when he tried to make amends, but it did not mean she trusted that he would let her be.

He was so scary that she hated herself for fearing him. Nothing ever worked in her favour when it came to Aiden Young. He had walked out of her life months ago...and walked back in just like that.

Now he was staring at her, the club pumping, one word from him and she was a robot again. Her terror taking over, she dumbly followed him out of the club. He did not even need to force her, one stupid word..."Up" that was it and she was up and behind him.

Once outside the nightclub, the cold air hit her, she was wearing simple black leather fitting pants and a halter neck baby blue sheer top. It laced at the back and flowed down the front. She had heels on and her hair tied up into a neat ponytail. She had actually gone to the effort to even dress her face.

It was her birthday after all, and she was down...Elisa her step mother was pregnant and Paris was finding it very hard to know how to handle it.

He continued walking until he reached his car. Paris stopped, it was time to face her fear and stop him from whatever hold he had on her. She had to stay strong...she needed to finally end this madness to her life.

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