Chapter thirty six: the halls of plague

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Lexan breathed deep the musty, fetid air....and felt himself shiver as it felt like cold dead hands touching him, and from the walls pale shinning pearls stared unblinkingly in the endless gloom.

As Lexan walked on, the need to see overpowered him, despite his tactical mind saying to leave the light off. he switched the light on his pistol to on, and near yelled as he realized, those pearls were really the eyes of millions of diseased.

Their heads turned to follow him, the rotting pain filled faces called to lexan, to aid them.....he felt like comforting them, but pushed on.

He looked back and saw the millions following him, shambling, waiting to pin him in a corner, he set his pistol to rapid fire mode.

Soon however he came to a massive room, the tip of the dome could of easily reached the top of swords highest mountain.

He saw chained to the throne in the center, a figure, but the gloom was too hard to see through....

" have was prophesied...."

"Yeah, yeah, just hold still so I can kill you and get out of here"

"You really think it will be that easy? Your a pilot, not a soldier, and you gun has limited ammunition, so don't think you can kill me that easily"

"Well, first off, I'm not an idiot to carry one gun, and in these days, you need to be both to get by, oh, and this helps too"

There was a huge boom, and the rocks fell into the only entrance. Lexan smirked at it's growl "you believe yourself clever? Your stuck here now fool!"

Lexan shrugged "if thats what must happen, then let it happen, I'll gladly die here, knowing I've rid the universe of your plague!"

With a roar, the plague master lunged forward, only for Lexan to duck sand fire his new bullets, it howled in pain as thick, green blood gushed down it's decayed arms.

"You think you can win?! You will never silence plague! It is eternal! It is death incarnate! What chance does a mere mortal have!"

"You talk to much! Just shut up and die!" Lexan yelled, rushing forward and jumping as one of the rotted arms swung to meet him, drawing his blade, he swung it down, missing by a layer of skin and slicing a boulder in half.

"That blade! It is one of theirs, they organized this! Traitors, when I am free, they will be the first to die beneath my boot heel!"

"Seriously, just shut up! I have had an absolute prick of a day, no scratch that, a year! All this suffering your causing is all because of greed?! My wife had to watch as she burned her sacred dead, and countless others have been hurt or killed because of you, so do us all a favor-"

Here he shot a bullet into it's chest

"-and shut-"

He rushed forwards and slid underneath him, slicing his leg off, he screamed in pain.


He stood and drove the blade into it's twisted heart, with a shrill scream, the walls rumbled, and there came the sound of a million released souls calling in joy.....before endless silence.

He stared at the decaying body, and said "now, time to get out of here.....if I can, I really don't want to die here, but if I do, it's worth it"

He walked over to the wall of rubble and inspected it, the ceiling was toast, and he had no idea how far back the explosion had damaged.

He sighed and said aloud "I suppose I could try diging, but I don't want to be beauties alive-"


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